Ekol Logistics Signs CEO Statement for Renewed Global Cooperation

Ekol Logistics Signs CEO Statement for Renewed Global Cooperation
Ekol Logistics Signs CEO Statement for Renewed Global Cooperation

United Nations(UN) before the 75th anniversary Of the UN Global Compactnot indifferent to calls for all companies to support international cooperation in the face of global risks Ekol Logistics, "CEO Statement for Renewed Global Collaboration“What he signed.

Keeping sustainable development among its top priorities School, CEO Statement for Renewed Global Collaboration"Ni(Statement from Business Leaders for Renewed Global Cooperation) by signing United Nationsand its support for inclusive multilateralism.

United NationsOver 100 CEOs from more than 1.000 countries supported the renewed call for global cooperation. Covidien-19 commitments while making important than ever for a period in the business world did not experience similar to earlier where the effects of the epidemic to ensure global collaboration came great support from companies in Turkey to let the UN. UN Global Compact Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Action Platform The report was developed by the company's CEO signed 45 from Turkey.

UN General Assembly Organized on September 21 as part of UN Private Sector ForumCEOs, who signed the joint statement announced in, gave the following message for a better world after Covid-19:

“As business people, we are aware that peace, justice and strong institutions are beneficial for the long-term continuity of our organizations, and that the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals are the basis of success. We are together for a better world. "

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