Malatya Metropolitan Municipality warned of protecting road signs that ensure traffic safety. A warning statement came from the Metropolitan Municipality after some plates were painted and shot at various times.
Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Services Department Head Ahmet Özer explained the vandalism for traffic signs. Noting that traffic signs are made as target boards from time to time, Özer said, “Our signs can become target boards of those who have guns. At the same time, our young people engrave their names on our signs, probably to immortalize them, but I don't know if they are aware of this; "God forbid, the invisible traffic sign on the sign may cause a traffic accident."
Do not shoot signs!
Reminding that traffic accidents are loss of life and property, Özer said, “While we put a traffic sign in order to remove an obstacle to reach our people's goals, unfortunately, some people also cause a traffic accident that will occur there because they cause an obstacle. Considering that our people are wise in this regard, we would like to remind them that they have a duty to respect, respect and protect traffic signs, which should be due to the state's property. We expect the necessary support and attention from our citizens. "We are asking people who are bored to not target our plates if they have a gun," he said.
Özer added that in case of possible adversities, an application can be made to the call center 155 156 444 of 51 Police, 44 Gendarmerie and Metropolitan Municipality.