As part of the European Mobility Week, which encourages cities and municipalities to take and support sustainable transportation measures and is celebrated all over the world between September 16-22, Mersin Metropolitan Municipality will organize a series of events that encourage zero-emission transportation in the city. Mersin Metropolitan Mayor Vahap Seçer will open the event by coming to Taş Bina tomorrow by bicycle. With the event to be held with the participation of department heads and bicycle associations, attention will be drawn to the use of bicycles as alternative transportation.
Mobility week begins in the city
Many departments of the Metropolitan Municipality, especially the Department of Transportation, will aim to increase the use of bicycles and pedestrian roads throughout the week, and to encourage citizens to travel with alternative transportation methods instead of motor vehicles. Within the scope of the Mobility Week, it is aimed to improve the transportation planning and public transportation system of the municipalities, to increase the bicycle and pedestrian roads, and to encourage the citizens to travel with alternative transportation methods instead of individual vehicles.
A bicycle tour will be organized in Tarsus under the leadership of President Seçer
Under the leadership of the Directorate of Youth and Sports Services and its team of 15 people, awareness-raising activities will be held at Kültür Park on September 17th. It will be asked to share all exemplary behaviors made to reduce emissions throughout the week on social media with the hashtag #MBBmobillilik.
On September 19, 'Tarsus Bicycle Tour' will be held in Tarsus district under the leadership of Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Vahap Seçer and bicycle associations.
On September 20, the Department of Women and Family Services will award the winners by organizing a painting contest for children in Kültür Park, which tells the importance of the week.
KentBis bicycles will be free at certain times during the event week.
Under the coordination of the Parks and Gardens Department, citizens will be able to use the bicycles of the Metropolitan for free between the specified hours to support zero-emission mobility. On the beach, the scooters that Mersin residents use both as a means of transportation and for beach excursions will be free of charge between certain hours on September 21.
On September 22, the last day of the event, a specified area in the city center will be closed to traffic between certain hours. In the event known as 'Car-free day', posters suitable for zero emission theme will be hung in the area closed to traffic.