Statement on the Transportation of Disabled Passengers from the Ministry

Explanation on the transportation of disabled passengers from the ministry
Explanation on the transportation of disabled passengers from the ministry

The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure made a statement about the transportation of disabled passengers.

Saturday, July 11, 2020, 18:39 The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure announced on Twitter: “Our disabled passengers get help when getting on and off the trains, they also have personal contacts with the assistant staff, and also a lot of contact with the common surfaces. It is. In line with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the Scientific Committee, restrictions have been imposed on our disabled passengers to protect them from the risk of epidemic contamination.

However, there is no restriction on the in-city (Marmaray and Başkentray) trains for our disabled passengers. With the end of this process, where the pandemic continues to be a threat to the society, and the normalization rules are updated, while the intercity transportation (YHT, outline and regional train) returns to their normal course, the restriction imposed on our disabled citizens will be removed. ”


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