Number of Passengers Increased and Satisfaction Decreased in High Speed ​​Train Lines

The number of passengers in the train admitted from tcdd increased satisfaction dust
The number of passengers in the train admitted from tcdd increased satisfaction dust

TCDD, which is known for the train disasters that occurred in recent years, carried 2018 million people in 8.1 with high-speed trains, and this number increased to 2019 million in 8.2. However, the passenger satisfaction rate was 2018 percent in 85, dropping 2019 points in 10 to 75 percent.

According to the news of İsmail Arı from BirGün, In recent years, with assignments incapable criticized and referred to the train disaster in the Republic of Turkey State Railways (TCDD), despite the increase in the number of passengers appeared to be largely in decline in passenger satisfaction.

TCDD Joint Stock Company, which is affiliated to the General Directorate of TCDD, said, “Ankara-Eskişehir, Ankara-Konya, Ankara-Istanbul and Konya-Eskişehir / Istanbul High Speed ​​Train lines carried a total of 2018 million 8 thousand passengers in 104. The number of passengers carried on the High Speed ​​Train lines increased by 2019 people in 170 and reached 8 million 274 thousand.

It was stated that 'YHT passenger profile, satisfaction and perception research studies' were carried out by TCDD A.Ş. While the overall satisfaction rate of YHT services with these studies was 2018 percent in February 85,5, it was noted that this rate fell 2019 percent to 10 percent in October 75,3.


Noteworthy details about TCDD passenger wagons also appeared. It was stated that 13,1 percent of TCDD passenger wagons are over 40 years old, 36,5 percent are between 30-39 years old, 30,4 percent are between 20-29 years old and 20 percent are under 20 years old.


Ahmet Eroğlu, Secretary General of United Transport Employees Union (BTS) affiliated to KESK, underlined that TCDD's statements are almost a confession: “We have tried to expose the management of the institution by highlighting these negativities in our recent actions and activities. The decrease in the satisfaction rate of TCDD is a result of massacres and unassigned appointments in recent years. As BTS, we are expressing our objections by trying to draw attention to the appointment of people who are not suitable for critical points and making unassigned appointments. Inaccuracies and painful events within the institution show that larger accidents are inevitable. The mistakes made indicate that new disasters are at the door. ”