Agricultural Support Payments of 1 Billion 469 Million 303 Thousand TL Begins Today

agricultural support payments start to today
agricultural support payments start to today

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Dr. Bekir Pakdemirli announced that the producers will be paid a total of 18.00 billion 1 million 469 thousand TL after 303 within the scope of Oilseed plants support and Agricultural Irrigation Electricity Support.

Minister Pakdemirli also shared the details in his statement. “We will pay 50 billion 629 million liras to 1 thousand 434 producers within the scope of oilseed plants support. Within the scope of Agricultural Irrigation Electricity Support, we will deposit 35 million 303 thousand liras into the accounts of our producers. "

Minister Pakdemirli also announced the amount of support paid since the beginning of 2020; “Thus, the total amount of support paid as of January 1, 2020 reached 15,2 Billion TL; 22% of 69,5 billion TL Agricultural Support Budget will be paid. ”

Oilseed plants will be paid according to the schedule below.


  • 0-2 0 1 3 5 7 9 19 June 2020 after 18:00
  • 4-6 4-6 after June 26, 2020, 18:00
  • 8 8 03 July 2020 after 18:00