Minister Selçuk has explained the details about LGS Exam

minister selcuk lgs explained details about the exam
minister selcuk lgs explained details about the exam

The center to be built within the scope of the High School Transition System (LGS) will be held on 20 June 2020. Ministry of Education (MEB) has updated the LGS reference guide. Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk explained the changes made in the guide and the details of the exam in an interview he gave to a newspaper.

The interview of the Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk is as follows:

Students Will Take the Exam in Their Schools

 The guide has also been updated. What changes are there?

Exam date has been updated in the updated manual. We made three improvements compared to 2019. Firstly, in 2019, the schools that students will take the exam were changing. In this process, we made an important decision both in terms of transportation opportunities and in order to reduce the anxiety levels of our students. All students will take the exam at their own school, where they are currently enrolled.

 Did the students take the exam in their schools increase the number of schools to be tested? How many schools will there be exams?

Of course. In 2019, we did the exam at 3 schools for the exam. The ease of taking the exams in their own schools for the convenience of our students has led to a five-fold increase in the number of schools to be tested. There will be exams in approximately 769 thousand 17 schools.

Some schools had dual education. In this case, will all students be able to take their exams in their own schools?

Considering the social distance in some of these schools, there are very few schools that cannot enter the same school. In this case, students will be taken to the exam in the school building closest to the school buildings. Already all students will learn where to take the exam via e-school.

Exam Entry Documents Will Be Ready For Exam

 It is a very important change for students to take the exam in their own schools. A decision that will comfort both students and parents. Everyone will take the exam at the school he knows and continues. What are your other two improvements?

Students were required to take the exam entry documents from their school on May 28, 2020. We have removed this rule due to the process. The exam entry documents of all students who will take the exam will be put on the table where they must sit in the classroom at the school where they will take the exam before the exam. So the student does not need to worry about the exam entry document.

The current identity document is not obliged to be photographed

This will provide important comfort. Third improvement?

The valid ID document had to contain photographs 15 and over. Considering the difficulties that may arise in the issue of photo identification documents of those who turn 15 years old, we have removed the condition of being photographs in the valid identity documents at 2020 LGS.

In this process, will students who are unable to go to different provinces and return can change their exam places?

In case of force majeure, applications will be evaluated within the commissions in our provinces. Necessary changes will be made if deemed appropriate.

Free Mask Will Be Distributed

 Protective measures and social distance are very important in the exam. What measures will you take in this regard?

First of all, all schools where the exam will be held will be disinfected before the exam. All of the examiners and students will be given free masks by our Ministry in all our schools. All classes will have disinfectant materials to be used if needed. When the students come to the schools where they will take the exam, they will be taken to the classes without waiting and paying attention to the social distance and disinfecting their hands. Necessary precautions will be taken by the schools to carry out hand sanitizer application at the entrance of the exam building or hall. Our guidance teachers will also support this process at school entrance in 81 provinces.

 Will children be able to take off their masks during the exam?

Since there will be a seating arrangement according to the social distance in the examination halls, they can remove their masks at any time during the exam.

What to do when the capacity of the classes is not suitable for social distance?

In this case, empty spaces in the school will be used. That is, if there are larger areas in the school such as library, dining hall and gym, they can be used. Our provincial directors determine these situations by examining individual schools and take necessary measures.

Will students with asthma be able to take the exam with the health apparatus they use?

Students with asthma will be able to bring their asthma sprays in the doctor's reports.

Will you have a separate examination service for students undergoing treatment or Covid-19 treatment?

We designed the exam preparation process by prioritizing the health and safety of students. In this context, students who are undergoing coronavirus treatment will be offered an examination service in hospitals. In order to receive “Examination Measure Service”, it is necessary to apply to the provincial or district national education directorates by the parents or guardians, and the documents stating the petition and excuse status where the address of the student will be taken. The petitions will be evaluated by the Regional Examination Commissions, and an “Examination Measure Service” will be provided in line with the students' situation.

It will be a fairly large organization.

Yeah. We have already started our preparations. The important thing is to manage the process before the exam, during and after the exam in a robust way. We plan all the details already and take the necessary measures.

2000 Question Support for LGS Prep Monthly

You were publishing a sample question booklet for LGS. Accordingly, will you continue to publish a sample question booklet only for the first semester curriculum and achievements?

Yeah. We published the sample question booklet once a month. In this process, we started publishing sample question booklets twice a month to help our students. We also started to publish exam-related study questions for our students.

Do you publish separate study questions from the sample question booklet?

Yeah. We published the first of the LGS Study Questions support package consisting of 8 questions for 516th grade students regarding the first term curriculum and its achievements on April 16. On May 4th, we published the May study questions support package consisting of 1000 questions. So far, we have offered a question support package consisting of 1516 questions to the use of students who will take the LGS central exam. We will continue to publish 15-question LGS exam preparation questions every 1000 days.

This year, the students who will take the LGS center exam will cover the first semester of the 8th grade and have incredible question support. These are very important for students.

With all our capacity, we try to be with our students in this process. Establishing a measurement and evaluation center in 2019 provinces in 81 provided incredible support in managing this process. Our teachers at these centers in 81 provinces contribute to the preparation of students' LGS study questions.

Does Everyone Have to Take the Exam?

All students in the 8th grade have registered for the exam automatically. Students and parents are very curious. Do all students have to take the exam?

No way. As you know, placement in high schools is done with points or local placement without points. The vast majority of our students, about 90%, will be placed in their preferred schools without exams. Some of our schools, which have approximately 213 thousand places, will only be placed with a central examination score. Therefore, this is an exam for students who want to enter schools under this quota.

Finally, will you have a message to the students and their families?

We try to take all kinds of precautions for our students and parents. Our counselors will also be on duty at all schools to assist parents and students as part of corona virus measures. Let our families be children, just as we were with our students during the preparation process with our sample questions about academic support, our support packages, our live classes, they take all necessary measures for their health and safety at the exam stage, they should leave all the worries aside and focus only on their exams.

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