Quarantine Recommendations for Coronavirus Patients

Quarantine recommendations for coronavirus patients
Quarantine recommendations for coronavirus patients

Your Covid 19 test proved positive, but your symptoms are mild or you feel very well. So what should you do in this situation? Experts state that certain rules must be followed in order to prevent any risk for the families and their families of the patients who will spend the quarantine process at home. Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital, Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology. Dr. Sibel Gündeş made important suggestions on the subject.

If You Have The Coronavirus Mild Or Without Symptoms ...

Covid 19, which may occur with complaints such as high fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, body aches, weakness, inability to smell and taste, can sometimes be very mild and in some cases it does not show any symptoms. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor without panic. When the required tests or tests are done, if the result is positive; evaluation is made by experts and the treatment plan is decided. First of all, the age and chronic diseases are very important criteria. Being over 60 years old or having problems with cancer, heart, lung, kidney, liver, digestive system or endocrine system changes the road map of the treatment. However, if there are no problems in this regard and the disease does not require inpatient treatment, it will be appropriate to continue the process in the home quarantine.

Protecting Family Members is Very Important

Family members, co-workers, and immediate surroundings of a Covid 19 positive individual are also at risk in terms of both the previous relationship status and the next process. First of all, it is important to give information about the subject to people who have recently contacted the patient. They can also prevent possible problems and the spread of the disease by observing or examining their own situation. In addition, family members should be tested. If there are elderly people or someone with chronic disease in the family, it should definitely be paid attention, if possible, they should not stay in the same house.

Take Off Your Mask Only When Alone

The room of the person who will spend the quarantine process at home should definitely be reserved. If possible, it is a good idea not to use the toilet and bathroom in common. Care should be taken not to be in the same environment as the household. Mobility in the house should be limited, and if it is encountered in the house, the distance should be at least 2 meters. It is important for everyone in the house to wear a mask. The person who takes care of the sick person can wear a N95 mask. Covid positive person can remove his mask only when he is alone. During this period, visitors should not be admitted to the house.

Attention to House Cleaning and Personal Hygiene

Every item and material that the sick person will contact, use, eat during the day must be separate. The house should be cleaned and ventilated regularly. Especially electrical switches, door and window handles should be disinfected frequently. Every individual in the house should wash their hands regularly and take care of their personal hygiene. Disposable wipes should be preferred during coughing and sneezing. Care should be taken when throwing materials such as mask, handkerchief into the garbage and it should be wrapped with two layers of bags.

Benefit from the Healing Power of Vitamins and Minerals

Patients and their relatives should be fed with foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Proper and adequate nutrition is the most important point in terms of protecting general health. As a result of scientific studies on Covid-19, 3 main elements stand out in supportive treatment. Vitamin C, zinc and vitamin D can be taken in appropriate quantities under doctor's supervision. In addition, plenty of water should be consumed during the day. The patient must rest, sleep in sufficient time and quality is very important.

Positive Thought and Right Care Turns Covidi Negative

The Covid positive person should have a positive perspective during this time. It is an important chance that the disease does not progress seriously, and one should take good care of himself and stay away from stress and anxiety. For example, even if you are in the same house, video calls can be made with family members. You can get help from breathing and relaxation exercises during the day. One can finish the books that he does not have the opportunity to read and discover new films and music. In other words, it is important to try to pass this process in the most efficient way.

Patients should not stop taking their medications if recommended, they should observe changes in their condition and be in contact with their doctor. This process should continue until the test of the sick person turns negative. Relatives of Covid's patients should also try to protect themselves and their loved ones by taking the necessary precautions without stress.


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