Who is Ali Ihsan Appropriate

Who is Ali İhsan Uygun?

Born in Ordu on April 12, 1966, Ali İhsan Uygun graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Electrical and Electronics, Department of Electrical Engineering in 1987. In 1988, Istanbul [more…]

office transportation services

Office Transport Services

When it comes to office transportation services, we can say that a group of transportation companies have turned it into an industry by providing this service. With the intensification of house-to-house transportation services in the past, [more…]

Is baskentray and marmaray free on holidays
06 Ankara

Is Başkentray and Marmaray Free?

With the arrival of the holiday, are the Başkentray and Marmaray services free for citizens during the holiday? He started researching. Başkentray and Marmaray services will be free during Ramadan Feast. Saturday, May 23, 2020 [more…]

Who is kamuran yazici

Who is Kamuran Yazıcı?

Born in Trabzon in 1967, Kamuran Yazıcı graduated from Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Civil Engineering in 1988. at the Institute of Science and Technology at the same university in 1991. [more…]

Who is Jesus Apaydin

İsa Apaydın Who is he?

Metallurgical engineer, public administrator, TCDD General Manager. He was born in Ankara in 1965. He graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Department of Metallurgical Engineering in 1987. in Sakarya University Metallurgical Engineering in 1996 [more…]

who is your farewell knowledge

Who is Vedat Bilgin?

Vedat Bilgin (born September 22, 1954, Aydıntepe) Turkish Sociologist, academician, bureaucrat and writer. From Ziya Gökalp to Mümtaz Turhan and Erol Güngör, Turkish Nationalism, Democracy, Social [more…]

tcdd general manager list

Who is Birkan Erdal?

Birkan Erdal (1952, Ankara), Turkish bureaucrat and politician. He graduated from Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Electronics Engineering. Master in Business Management at Ankara Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences [more…]

tcdd general manager list

Who is Ender Çetinkaya?

Ender Çetinkaya, (2 April 1941, Adapazarı), Turkish jurist. He graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 1964. Iller Bank Istanbul Regional Deputy Directorate, TCDD General Directorate [more…]

tcdd general manager list

Who is Ahmet Sarp?

Ahmet Sarp, (1931, Diyarbakır), bureaucrat and politician. He graduated from ITU Faculty of Civil Engineering as a Civil Engineer in 1953. 1965-1967 Kayseri Regional Director of Highways, 1967-1969 [more…]

tcdd general manager list

Who is Mustafa Vedat Önsal?

Mustafa Vedat Önsal, (1929, Adapazarı – 23 January 2007), Turkish politician. He graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Electricity. Free Trade, Adapazarı Municipality, Iller Bank General [more…]

tcdd general manager list

Who is Kazım Yurdakul?

Kazım Yurdakul (1916, Manisa, Turkey, 11 July, 1983[1]), Turkish politician. He graduated from the Higher School of Economics and Commerce. Independent financial advisor, merchant, Member of the Republic Senate (Sakarya – [more…]