The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the 15 people will be employed.
According to the announcement in the Official Gazette, 11 people will be recruited, 3 of whom are R&D staff, 1 of them are R&D technicians and 15 of them are masters, to work within the Space Technologies Research Institute (UZAY).
* The conditions and processes required for applications are available on the Institution's website (, the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services and the Turkish Employment Agency's websites. Job applications are made through the TÜBİTAK Job Application System (
- TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research Institute TUBİTAK UZAY METU Campus 06800 Ankara
- E-Mail:
- Telephone: 0312 210 13 10
- Application Deadline: 12.06.2020