CW Energy Beside Organized Industrial Zones

cw energy besides organized industry regions
cw energy besides organized industry regions

The changes in the Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Implementing Regulation, which industrialists have been waiting for a long time, made the industrialists smile. One of the innovations that met the expectation in many areas was to open the way to generate electricity from solar energy. Accordingly, the participants were allowed to establish solar-based electricity generation facilities, which are necessary for their own needs, in the remaining parts of the industrial and service support parcel in the OIZ.

The pleasing development regarding the changes in the Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Implementing Regulation, which industrialists have been waiting for a long time, made the industrialists smile.

Volkan Yılmaz, General Manager of CW Energy, the leading company of solar energy systems, said that with the amendments in the OIZ Implementing Regulation, some facilities were provided to OIZs. Expressing that one of these facilities is the opening of electricity to generate electricity from solar and wind energy, Yılmaz said, “With the change, the part of the industry and service support parcel located in the OIZ was left open, allowing the participant to establish a power generation facility based on solar energy, which is necessary for their own needs. After that, solar power generation facilities based on solar energy will be evaluated within the scope of the support unit of the participant. ”

Stating that they can now build electricity generation facilities based on solar energy in the empty parts of the parcels of OIZs, Yılmaz pointed out that this is a very good development. Yılmaz said, “We are very pleased with this legislative amendment that expands our field and adds value to our work. As CW Energy, we are always with OSBs. ”

Expressing that the Regulation on the Amendment of the Implementing Regulation on the Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Implementation Regulation of the Ministry of Industry and Technology was published in the Official Gazette, Yılmaz said that this arrangement aims to solve the problems faced by the industrialists.

The way to generate electricity from solar energy is opened in OIZs

Yılmaz stated that many steps were taken in the fields such as the establishment of electricity generation facility, establishment of recycling facility, precedent increase and elimination of the victimization faced by industrialists, and the demands of industrialists and OIZ members were taken into consideration and their expectations were met. In other words, with the change in the regulation, the industrialist's face smiled.

We are the market leader in solar energy panel production

CW Energy General Manager Volkan Yilmaz, who said, “It makes us happy to increase the solar energy sector and the awareness of energy production from the sun,” continued as follows: “It is necessary to utilize an unlimited resource such as environmentally friendly, clean energy and unlimited features such as the sun. As CW Energy, we aim to expand the use of solar energy and support the future of human beings with new technologies and we operate with the philosophy of continuous development. Turkey's market leader in the production of solar panels. With our experienced team, we are among the best in the world in our industry. We will continue our efforts to contribute to the world economy and leave a livable nature to future generations. ”