Busy streets of the city were paved for four days in Mersin!

The city's busy streets were asphalted for four days in Mersin
The city's busy streets were asphalted for four days in Mersin

The teams affiliated to Mersin Metropolitan Municipality Road Construction Maintenance and Repair Department carried out asphalt work on the busy streets of the city, taking the opportunity of a 4-day curfew.

The teams, who could not perform asphalt work due to the density of vehicles created by the citizens who had to work despite the coronavirus outbreak, carried out a feverish work throughout the curfew.

Citizens' Demands are Prioritized

During the 4-day curfew, teams working to make the roads more comfortable for citizens from Mersin give priority to requests from citizens. The road that aspired to asphalt due to the infrastructure works of different institutions for a long time demanded by the citizens living in Toroslar District Health District 207th Street, was asphalted with the work done on the weekend.

The teams also performed asphalting work in Erdemli District Kocahasanlı Mahallesi Gültepe Caddesi and Akdeniz 2nd Organized Industrial Road. While the teams were working, they took the necessary precautions against the coronavirus. The teams, working in accordance with the social distance and hygiene rules, carried out 3 tons of hot asphalt work.