Free Taxi from UBER to Healthcare Professionals

Free taxi service from uber to health professionals
Free taxi service from uber to health professionals

Uber, to support the struggle with the Covidien-19 epidemic process in Turkey, of the health care workers employed Istanbul on the way home from the hospital commercial yellow taxis will enable them to use the free "medical Taxi" service is launching with 5000 free ride. With this service, taxi fares will be fully covered by Uber.

This initiative is one of the services Uber has implemented around the world to support healthcare workers who struggle with their strength to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

Uber Medical Taxi will be a taxi reservation service where healthcare professionals request a trip by filling out a form and then the trip is planned over the phone. This new non-profit service aims to support healthcare workers in Istanbul as well as taxi tradesmen during these difficult days.

Uber Medical Taxi service will be provided only for healthcare professionals and will be valid in public hospitals within the scope of the service area. Health professionals who want to take advantage of Uber Medical Taxi, specially created for this service I they can visit the website.