Ali İhsan Uygun, General Manager of Turkish State Railways visited Mayor Mehmet Zeybek in his office.A General Director of State Railways Ali İhsan Uygun, who came to our Municipality with Afyonkarahisar Deputy Veysel Eroğlu, made a presentation about the point and details of the AFRAY project.
Speaking after the meeting, General Director of Turkish State Railways, Ali İhsan Uygun, said that AFRAY is an exciting project and said, "We are at the disposal of Afyon as TC State Railways."
“We are at the intersection of roads and rails”
Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Gendarmerie Colonel Hamza Çömez, AK Party Provincial President Hüseyin Sezen, General Directorate bureaucrats, State Railways 7. Regional Director Adem Sivri and his accompanying delegation expressed information about the project, Mayor Mehmet Zeybek gave information about the project.
Saying that Afyonkarahisar is located at the intersection of highways and railways, President Zeybek said; “With the gastronomy, Afyonkarahisar has become a city that makes serious beats in tourism. We are a city that stands out with its history and marble and taste. As you know, our AFRAY Suburban Line project contract was signed: According to the contract signed between the 7th Regional Directorate of TCDD and the contractor company, drilling works will start between ANS - Ali Çetinkaya Station - Park Afyon, and the route will be designed with stops, platforms and pedestrian overpasses. Discovery quantity studies will be completed and allowance for the construction will be determined. Following these works to be completed in 1 days, the tender will be put out to tender in the second six months of 120, and the first pickaxe will be hit by the end of this year or at the beginning of 2020 at the latest. ”
Reminding that the high-speed train line will also pass through Afyonkarahisar, President Zeybek said; “Istanbul, Eskişehir, Kütahya, Afyon, Antalya, High Speed Line will pass through our city. As a result of our meeting with our Minister of Transport, we conveyed our opinion in the name of transporting the passenger at the station to be built in our city. We had a request for a light rail system from him. Thank you, he looked at this issue positively. Again, we have a study on how we can use the idle spaces of our Turkish State Railways more efficiently. If we can do that, we will add an added value to our city. Our only thought is how to make Afyonkarahisar more beautiful. On this occasion, we would like to thank Mehmet Cahit Turhan, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Ali İhsan Uygun, General Director of State Railways, for their support to the Turkish State Railways 7. Regional Manager Adem Sivri and TCDD. ”
Veysel Eroğlu, a deputy from Afyonkarahisar, said that they would carry out the AFRAY project together in collaboration. “Our Mayor Mehmet Zeybek had the word AFRAY. While making this promise, he gave it to our Ministry of Transport Infrastructure, TR State Railways General Directorate and Infrastructure General Directorate. Of course, in this process, our Municipality will put his hand under the stone. Hopefully we will achieve this together. Pointing out that Afyonkarahisar is located at the crossroads of both roads and iron nets, Deputy Eroğlu said, “Afyonkarahisar is the crossroads of both roads and railways. Now it will be the crossroads of high-speed train lines. Ankara-Polatlı-Afyonkarahisar-Uşak-İzmir high speed train line is progressing rapidly. Hopefully, it will end soon. In addition, during the visit of our Minister of Transport and Infrastructure last week, he gave the good news that the Istanbul-Eskişehir-Kütahya-Afyonkarahisar-Antalya high speed train line will also pass through our city. Therefore, Afyonkarahisar will be the crossroads of high-speed train lines from Konya, Antalya, Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir. Especially its location is ready and it is a great place. In fact, it is also suitable for the architecture of Afyonkarahisar because it is the land of martyrs where the Great Attack was realized and the land where the Republic was established. So our city is developing. ”
Deputy Eroğlu, who also said that Afyonkarahisar has an existing rail system that reaches our city from Konya-Kütahya, İzmir direction; “Our goal is to use existing rail systems in urban transportation. There is a line that extends from the location known as Güvenevler to the tourism region. This is a very important route, passing through the city. As in Istanbul, if we can install a light rail system there would be a lot of hits. In the center of our city, there are historical but idle buildings belonging to TCDD. At the very least, we think that if our municipality evaluates these buildings as social facilities and makes them available to our people, this will be an important step. We start with Basmala, we want good luck and fast. We are waiting for your efforts on these issues. ”
Expressing that Afyonkarahisar is at the intersection of the existing railway lines, TC State Railways General Manager Ali İhsan Uygun said that AFRAY is an exciting project for Afyonkarahisar.
Drawing attention to the fact that the project is a work that will contribute to the mass transportation in the city, TCDD General Manager Ali İhsan Uygun said, “It is very important that the construction projects of these stages are prepared, the construction works are started and finalized and presented to the service of our people in Afyon. As TCDD, we are at the disposal of Afyon regarding the services we will provide to Afyon regarding our own infrastructure. We are carrying out useful studies both in our Municipality, our Ministry and TCDD, I hope it will be a good service for Afyon ”.
TCDD General Manager Ali İhsan Uygun continued his speech as follows: “Afyonkarahisar, where Konya, Eskişehir and İzmir railroad routes pass, is a precious province for us. Afyonkarahisar becomes a city where these lines intersect, especially with the introduction of our high-speed train lines in our future projects. Therefore, it becomes a province where passengers can reach the cities of the region and metropolitan cities in a shorter time. We also cooperate with municipalities, especially considering that our railways can be useful for metropolitan cities and urban public transportation. There are also examples of this. ” Uygun, General Manager, emphasized that they have begun to work on the transportation of the people through the railways in Afyonkarahisar and that they will conclude them in a short time. The municipality stated that their joint work is continuing.