Denizli is an example to Turkey with transportation investments that have implemented Metropolitan Municipality, 2019 km asphalt road in 140 with 120 km of concrete paving roads and sidewalks lock did work. Last year, the Metropolitan Municipality launched its new 50 meter wide ring road and 30 meter wide New Street.
140 km of asphalt, 120 km of locked paving road
Denizli Metropolitan Municipality, which made the traffic problem sustainable with giant investments such as Triangular Bridge Junctions, Zeybek Bridge Junction, Industrial Connection Bridge, Hal Köprülü Junction, Ankara Road Bridge Junction, Bozburun Bridge Junction, Akhan bend arrangement, continued its studies in 2019. Having made 140 kilometers of asphalt road throughout Denizli last year, Metropolitan Municipality has also signed 120 kilometers of concrete lock paving road and pavement works that will save citizens from mud in winter and dust from summer. Transportation investments that Denizli Metropolitan Municipality put into service in 2019 were not limited to these.
New streets and ring roads
Last year, the Metropolitan Municipality, which offered the new ring road with a width of 50 meters on the Üçler Boulevard to the service of the people of Denizli, met the great need in the region by opening the 29-meter wide New Street between İlbade - 30 October Boulevard. Denizli Metropolitan Municipality completed a first by completing the Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Truck and Truck Garage that it put into service in 2019. The Truck and Truck Garage, which has been built on an area of 45 thousand square meters in Hacı Eyüplü District, has met a great need of the transportation sector and on the other hand, large parking areas within the city have been prevented.
“Everything for our sea front“
Denizli Metropolitan Mayor Osman Zolan stated that they have made many investments such as bridged intersections, new ring roads, streets, underpasses and overpasses, local and national traffic management systems in 2019 to make the city traffic sustainable since the first day they took office. He said he was driving. President Osman Zolan said that his efforts to relieve the transportation of Denizli continue and said, “Our sea, a brand city in the world, will continue to grow and flourish in the new year. Because we are in love with this city, everything is for our Deniz ”.