Kanal Istanbul Website Opened

channel istanbul website opened
channel istanbul website opened

The Presidency of Communication, containing details about the Kanal Istanbul project and answers to all questions,kanalistanbul.gov.t is”Was launched.

Prepared by the Communication Department,kanalistanbul.gov.t is"Has been opened Twitter announcing the address of the website Contact President Fahrettin Altun," throat to breathe, Turkey will win. We welcome the owners of the incident on our website. Good luck and be auspicious. ” used expressions.

The website contains all the details of why Kanal Istanbul is needed and the purpose of the project, preparation and construction, strategic and economic achievements, and scientific and technical studies.

In addition to the official documents and documents related to Kanal Istanbul, the booklet “Kanal Istanbul in 50 Questions”, which contains the answers to the most popular questions in the public, is also available on the site.

Described with infographics and videos

On the site, claims and facts about Kanal Istanbul are also explained with infographics and videos based on scientific research data.

The site, which includes the details of the routes and the integrated structures designed for the project, includes “Channel examples from the world”, “Accidents in the Bosphorus” and “Montreux and Canal Istanbul”.

Geology, geotechnical, geophysical, hydrology, hydrogeology analyzes, marine and natural disaster surveys and traffic surveys can be examined in the "Preparatory Process" section of the site.

In the section of the website titled “I Want to Know Everything”, the data of scientific researches that are carried out in terms of the safety of life and property, as well as the historical and cultural heritage of Istanbul and the protection of nature and living life can be accessed within the scope of the project.

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