Idle Train Line Becomes Bicycle and Walkway

atil train line becomes a bicycle and walking route
atil train line becomes a bicycle and walking route

Tekkeköy Mayor Hasan Togar signed a protocol with TCDD to dismantle the idle train line and implement the Bicycle Path and Walkway Project instead.

Tekkeköy Mayor Hasan Togar visited TCDD General Manager Ali İhsan Uygun with Samsun Party Deputy Fuat Köktaş, removing the idle train line from Tekkeköy to Canik and replacing the 'Bicycle Road and Walkway'. he heralded that it would be done.


As a result of this meeting, a protocol was signed between President Hasan Togar and TCDD 4. Regional Manager Ali Karabey to make the bicycle and walking path of the old TCDD Samsun Çarşamba line.

Mayor Togar said, “From Tekkeköy to Canik, we will create a cycling route, sports and walking areas on an area of ​​7,5 thousand square meters with a length of 130 thousand square meters. Citizens working in workplaces in our two large industries and three small industries will be able to go to work with their bicycles. We signed the protocol of the exemplary project that thousands of people living in our town and city can use as a sports and walking path. ” (Feride İçkilli - Target People)