Disabled University

handicapped university
handicapped university

Higher Education Council (HEC) According to data from studying at universities in Turkey close to a thousand 7.5 47 75 million students with disabilities only. Moreover, almost one thousand 42 of these disabled students are receiving distance education. So only 5 thousand students can study in amphitheater and classrooms sınıf

Muhammed Hazar Tekin is one of the lucky disabled students, although he does not give up his dream of being a lawyer even though he leads a wheelchair-bound life. Because Tekin, who won Maltepe University Faculty of Law, has no obstacles on campus.

The main theme of 3 December World Day of People with Disabilities announced by the United Nations; to draw attention to the rights of the disabled. It is only possible for disabled people to participate in life effectively and become happy and successful individuals with the opportunities offered to them.

Muhammed Hazar Tekin… 19 is years old. The genetically inherited 3 SMA patient will therefore be bound to a wheelchair for life. But this does not prevent reading determination. Tekin was admitted to Maltepe University Faculty of Law this year. Tekin, who lives in Sancaktepe district of Istanbul with his mother and two brothers; and the university sets an example with the campus environment offered to the disabled.

Although he was studying English Preparatory School at the School of Foreign Languages, Muhammed had been struggling with SMA, a disease caused by movement nerve cells, since his birth, and his dreams of being a jurist adorned him. His current goal is to successfully complete the Faculty of Law and become an academician.

It wasn't easy for Thompson to come to these days. However, Tekin, who has faced many difficulties during his education, is not only lucky to be a university student, but also a lucky disabled person due to the facilities provided to him on campus. He says his experience should be an example.


Thompson does not face any difficulties in accessing university and classrooms due to disabled facilities. In the first days of the lectures, the Rector Prof. Muhammad Hazar Tekin. Dr. Şahin Karasar has allocated vehicles for their arrival and departure; and then Sancaktepe Municipality started to provide transportation with a dedicated vehicle in cooperation with IMM. The Disabled Student Unit, which is established under the Rectorate, has taken all necessary precautions for the access of students with disabilities to all kinds of places, especially the educational environment.


But not everything is of course roses. For example, for the first time in the school environment with a disabled person is not very difficult to get used to the process of getting used to Thompson Tekin, in the early days of his friends with some difficulties in the merger, but slowly tells the way of this situation tells. Tekin said that many people do not know how to treat the disabled and he is shy about communicating. But goodwill solves every problem..


Tekin pointed out that the most difficult living space for the disabled is not the schools but the streets. “There is always an obstacle. A car parked in front of a ramp can ruin your entire day. You're trapped somewhere. Broken roads, high bumps, my cordless vehicle is damaged, increasingly difficult to use. There are no handicapped ramps at the entrances of buildings. The ramps may not meet the standards. Therefore, the real obstacle is on the street. ”


Thompson believes that people with disabilities must be in life and gives the following message to people with disabilities:

“The more we live in the street and the more people in life, the more people will see us and learn how to treat us and get used to it. As long as we are in life, institutions will try to design living spaces for us. For this reason, every disabled person has to go out into the streets and help solve problems wherever they live. ”


Stating that the Disabled Student Unit in the University also works for other students with disabilities as well as that they are making efforts to solve the problems faced by the disabled, Tekin said, “Whenever I convey a problem or send a message, they tell me that they come back quickly and work for the solution of the problem. before I call, they call me in advance and take the necessary measures. ”

It is important for disabled students to move freely in the university environment, access to living spaces and education units, and to quickly find their interlocutors. The necessary measures taken at Maltepe University stem from the sensitivity of the disabled. Vice Rector Dr. Betül Çotuksöken and Head of Disabled Students Unit Ahmet Durmuş is very interested in disabled students.

Maltepe University Faculty of Business and Management Sciences Department of Economics Research Assistant Ahmet Durmuş, "both academic and physical disabilities in all environments by removing all the barriers to disabled, participate in physical activities," he says.

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