Buyukakin Kocaeli City Hospital is Looking for Resources for Tram Project

buyukakin kocaeli city hospital is looking for resources for tram project
buyukakin kocaeli city hospital is looking for resources for tram project

Büyükakın is looking for resources for Kocaeli City Hospital Tram Project; Kocaeli Metropolitan Mayor Büyükakın, who took the metro project to the Ministry of Transport and took a big load from the back of the city, has now requested resources from the Ministry of Health for the City Hospital tram project.


Ozgur Kocaeli NewspaperAccording to the news of Süriye Çatak Tek; Metropolitan Mayor Tahir Büyükakın met with Health Minister Fahrettin Koca in Ankara the previous day. It was learned that Büyükakın had a resource interview with Minister Koca for the construction of the tram line, which is planned to be extended to the City Hospital. Although there is no official statement, there is expected to be improvement in the coming days. This project, which is 3 kilometers long, requires serious resources with expropriations. The construction of the new tram line with the support of the Ministry of Health means that another big load is lifted from the city safe.


Mayor Tahir Büyükakın, who came to the municipal administration after the March 31 elections, first started the savings efforts. In the economic crisis, the city has taken serious steps not to decrease its investments and to continue the existing investments. The metro project, which will cost 2,5 billion construction in Gebze and reach 5 million with its vehicles, has been transferred to the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. With the transfer process, a huge burden was lifted over Büyükşehir. After the metro transfer, Mayor Büyükakın took the tram project of Şehir Hospital this time.