BUMATECH Fair Opens Its Doors; With the digital age we live in, production processes are changing. Technological developments, which provide less energy and more efficiency, are also present in the machinery manufacturing sector. Bursa, which is among the important cities in the machinery sector, hosts an important organization. Within this scope, Tüyap Bursa Fuarcılık A.Ş. and Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BTSO), Machine Tools Industrialists and Business People Association (TİAD) and the Association of Machinery Manufacturers (MIB), with the support of KOSGEB and Bursa Metropolitan Municipality BUMATECH Bursa Machinery Technology Fairs, began with a ceremony . At the ceremony; BTSO Board Member Osman Nemli, Tüyap Fair Organization General Manager İlhan Ersözlü, Machine Manufacturers Association Chairman Emre Gencer, Machine Tools Industrialists and Business People Association Chairman Fatih Varlık, Deputy Chairman of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Süleyman Çelik, Bursa Deputy Governor Mustafa Özsoy In addition to the city protocol and many guests took part.
Bumatech with Strong Unity
BTSO Board Member Osman Nemli said that the machinery sector has the highest say in a period when the memorization in production was broken and new balances were established. BCCI as their manufacturing capabilities possessed by firms to increase their contribution to Turkey's domestic and national targets major projects voicing implemented Osman damp, Commerce supports the machinery industry, the Ministry of direct concern machine, rail, renewable energy, aerospace, composites and aerospace and defense As 5 emphasized that around 200 firm in different UR-GE projects gained the culture of acting jointly. Stating that 3 increases 35 percent and 15 employment per year despite all the difficulties experienced on the global scale, Nemli said, makro The macro projects of our chamber play a key role in preparing our country for Industry 4.0. We share the expectations of our sectors with our economic management after consultation meetings with our members. 'Bursa Turkey if the magic spell is' the power of our vision of the project will increase the production and export kentia We will continue to work closely with our firm. Our Bursa Machinery Technologies Fairs are a powerful platform in terms of both exhibiting the latest technologies in the sector and contributing to the economy of the city and the country through commercial connections. I wish BUMATECH Fair will be beneficial for our city and sectors. ”
Pulse of the sector will throw in Bursa
most BUMATECH Bursa Machine Technology in the industry fairs held in Turkey and pointed out that the domestic machine manufacturers Tüyap Bursa Fairs Fairs Inc. General Manager İlhan Ersözlü said, “We have changed the name of the organization that we have organized as 17 Bursa Machinery Industry Summit to BUMATECH Bursa Machinery Technology Fairs because of the intensive machinery equipment. 80 percent of the companies participating in the fair manufacturer. With this feature, it is a very important platform for manufacturers. With the participation of 21 company and company representative from 372 country, we aim to bring together 3 Fair under one roof with more than one thousand professional visitors and 65 billion trade volume from 40 country. In addition, 1 people from abroad with our fairs in our country while bringing a delegation of 470 around the online registration with our guests about 270 person companies with 700'li business negotiations. On Saturday and Sunday, buses will be removed from different cities of Anatolia and the pulse of the sector will be pulsed in Bursa during the day. Maktek Eurasia in Istanbul and 'Manufacturing Technologies Fair' will be showcased in Konya for the future ”.
We have to issue a large number of world brands in a short time
Emre Gencer, President of the Machinery Manufacturers Association, stated that the foundations of the machinery sector were laid in Bursa and said, am The flagship automotive sector production of our exports started in Bursa and has gained a worldwide place. Again, the first organized industrial zone was established here. The rise of our country to 1 in global economy depends on the machinery manufacturing sector. In this sense, our sector aims to increase the share of kilograms in exports to the 2030 level at the current level until the year 2.5. In the same period, the main objective was to increase the share of machinery manufacturing in exports from 9 percent to 15 levels. 11 in our state. It has made important decisions for these objectives such as development plan, acceleration financing program, export master plan and technology-oriented industry move. We have to take a large number of world brand as soon as Turkey. We can succeed by developing our culture of doing business. Kul
Bursa Industry Underlining that Bursa is the leading company not only in our country but also in the world with its industry and sub-industry in the automotive sector, Fatih Varlık, Chairman of the Machine Tools Industrialists and Business People Association, said “ bringing industrialists. Each one contributes to the export of the country, while Bursa is the most vivid example of the industry. The brand value of Bursa cannot be discussed when it comes to industry. As TİAD, we will continue to support fairs that we believe will give priority to development and carry our sector forward. BUMATECH fairs will bring mobility to our sector and be a guide for finding the technologies and solutions that regional exporters are looking for. “
Bursa is very different in terms of industry
Bursa's historical, cultural structure, agriculture and trade in different points of Bursa in terms of industry that draws attention to a very different point of the Deputy Mayor of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Suleyman Celik, stressed that they are trying to come to many different places of our city.
795 Million Dollar Export
Bursa Deputy Governor Mustafa Özsoy said, “We are at the last fair of the year that brings together 3 fairs under one roof. Bursa is a very valuable province. We are in a very important position in terms of production. While chatting with MİB President Emre Bey, I asked how much export and import we do. He said that our exports are close to 18 million dollars, our imports are 36 million dollars, there are big differences. So there are big differences. These fairs are very valuable in that sense. 795 million dollars of exports occurred in Bursa this year in terms of machinery manufacturing. In this case, it shows Bursa's share in exports. It is very important to bring Bursa together with world technology. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the opening of the fair.”
Intercontinental Machine Meeting
BUMATECH Bursa Machinery Technologies Fairs, with the works of TÜYAP's overseas offices, Afghanistan, Germany, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Algeria, Czech Republic, China, Ethiopia, Morocco, Palestine, France, Gambia, Ghana, Georgia, India, Netherlands, Iraq, UK, Iran, Spain, Israel, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Latvia, Libya , Lebanon, Hungary, Macedonia, Malta, Egypt, Moldova, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Serbia, Slovenia, Saudi Arabia, Tayvand, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Oman, Jordan, Yemen and Greece Business people organized from will be hosted. With the participation of delegations coming from more than 40 industrial cities in the country, the business connections that will take place on the platform for four days will provide great opportunities for the participating companies to open up to new markets while also providing employment advantages.