TCDD at the International Intelligent Transportation Systems Summit

TCDD at the International Intelligent Transportation Systems Summit
TCDD at the International Intelligent Transportation Systems Summit

Intelligent Transportation Systems Association (AUSDER), of which the Republic of Turkey State Railways is also a member. I. International Intelligent Transportation Systems Summit The Opening Ceremony was held on Wednesday, March 06, 2019, at the Information Technologies and Communications Authority, with the presence of M.Cahit Turhan, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure.

Speaking at the ceremony, where TCDD opened a booth and attended by TCDD General Manager Ali İhsan Uygun, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure M.Cahit Turhan stated that the developments in the field of technology in the last century affected the world in a very radical manner.

2023 roadmap created

Turhan stated that a new transportation category was born with the communication being common to all types and stages of transportation in time and noted that:

“The new category, which we call briefly 'smart transportation', which can also be summarized as 'IT-supported transportation', has become an indispensable part of daily life, especially in urban life. Since it has become a habit, many smart transportation applications, which most of us do not even notice, are working at any time and serve both drivers and passengers. ”

Turkey in the "wheels are turned" approach only country in the study, which aims to reach every corner of adapting to today technology road Turhan reminiscent of the bride intelligent way, way, emerging by providing mutual communication between vehicles and passengers "intelligent transportation systems" the efficient use and domestically in Turkey Stating that the 2023 strategy has been determined to be widespread throughout the country, he stated that the Smart Transportation Systems 2023 Strategy was embodied with the action plan and that a road map was created.

General Manager Ali İhsan Uygun received information

Explaining that vehicles and software that communicate and act in common with each other reduce the mistakes and accidents, Turhan stated that the value given to people is the basis of smart transportation services and added, “Our primary goal with the transportation systems and technologies that we have implemented and continued with the transportation policies we have established as the Ministry to reduce fatal and serious injury accidents. ” he spoke.

After the speeches and ribbon cutting, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure M. Cahit Turhan, TCDD General Manager Ali Ihsan Uygun received information about the railway signaling and telecommunications works.

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