No Stop in Transportation Despite Winter in Bursa


The work at the 4,5 kilometer section of the Mustafakemalpaşa Paşalar Güllüce connection road, built by the Metropolitan Municipality of Bursa and completed in the 1.8 kilometer section, continues unabated despite the cold weather and rain.

Within the scope of the transportation master plan in Bursa, the metropolitan municipality aims to completely eliminate the transportation problems by new rail system lines, overpass intersections and new roads; on the other hand, the quality of roads is increased in order to provide transportation in the district of 17 more comfortable. The last year is very efficient, the 210 mile hot asphalt and 350 kilometers to the surface covering the metropolitan municipality, cold air and rain without worrying about the transportation continues unabated. In addition to connecting Paşalar and Güllüce in Mustafakemalpaşa district, improvement works on 6,3 km road which is of great importance due to transportation to Organized Industrial Zone is continuing.

Connection to Izmir

Mayor of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Alinur Aktas, along with the accompanying Mayor of Mustafakemalpaşa Sadi Kurtulan and the AK Party Mayor candidate Mehmet Kanar Paşalar - Güllüce studied the ongoing road works between. Stating that Mustafakemalpaşa, which stands out with its high agricultural potential, will bring sound with its industry very soon, Aktaş said aşa The route that our teams work at, Paşalar and Güllüce connection road. This is a way to connect to the Güllüce Junction on the İzmir road. At the same time, the transportation to the Organized Industrial Zone where the factory is operating around 6,3 is provided here. 30 kilometers of this road has been completed with the help of our Metropolitan Municipality. In the remaining 4,5 kilometer section, despite the winter, we continue our work. I know that there are industrialists who are going to be in the industrial zone with the ongoing negotiations. With the development of industry this way will gain much more value. Güllüce and Paşalar, who use both this industry and our industrialists, will be beneficial to our people. Şimd