TCDD Transportation 353 Public Worker Procurement Application Results Announced

TCDD Transport 353 Public Workers Application Results
TCDD Transport 353 Public Workers Application Results

TCDD Transportation Inc. The final lists of applications for the recruitment of 353 workers to be taken by were certain. After the receipt of applications by ISKUR, the final lists of recruitment were also announced.

İŞKUR final list and document delivery announcement was published for TCDD Taşımacılık A.Ş. TCDD Taşımacılık A.Ş. My Memur prepared the details of the final lists and documents as a result of the announcement published in İŞKUR on 353-353 December 27 for 31 workers to be recruited.

The candidates listed in the final list may submit the following documents by HAM or the POST before the 25 January.

Since the deadline for the delivery of documents is 25 January 2019, no further action will be taken after this date. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to post the documents late or delay in the mail.

Details of the required documents; Application Form, Photocopy of Identity Card, Education Certificate, Criminal Record, Military Status Certificate, Security Investigation and Archive Research Form, Job Request Information Form, "Train Engineer (Level 4)" Professional Qualification Certificate (11UY0035-4) ) will be requested.

"Steel Welder (Level 3) Professional Competence Certificate (11UY0010-3)" or "12UY0053-3 Automotive Sheet and Body Welder (Level 3) certificate" will be required from the Candidates who apply as Welder. Priority certificate and KPSS Result Document are required for candidates who apply primarily.

TCDD Transportation Inc. For 353 worker recruitment, the documents must arrive at 25 January 2019 at the latest. At the end of the delivery period, the documents will be examined and the candidates whose papers are accepted and not accepted will be announced.

The deadline for the submission of documents was announced as one week from the announcement period. The oral exam will be held between 25 March 2019-19 April 2019.