The First Passenger Train Will Work As A Guide Train! ... People Will Become a Test Object

first passenger train train
first passenger train train

The Union of Turkish Union of Engineers and Architects - Provincial Transport Employees Union and the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects to share the process after the accident and inform the public about the accident that occurred as a result of the collision of the high-speed train with the High Speed ​​Train and Ankara-Marşandiz Station. Co-ordination Board (20 December 2018) held a joint press conference at 11.00.

The press statement read by BTS Central Executive Board member Ahmet EROĞLU is as follows; “In the disaster on 13 December 2018, the High Speed ​​Train, which made the Ankara-Konya expedition, collided with the guide train on the same line, while 9 of our citizens died and 92 of our citizens were injured.

In the joint statement we made about the disaster, it is unacceptable that the main reason of the disaster is the opening of the lines for the sake of political rent before the completion of the construction works, especially the transition to the operation without signaling systems eliminating the human error in the high density and speed railway lines is unacceptable because it means to invite the accident and the responsible of this disaster We have stated that there are no railway workers who devotedly provide services.

However, the process started to run and let the independent expert review, without even waiting for the completion of the administrative investigation, was announced and a decision was made to detain three railway employees on duty that day.

We believe that everyone living in this land, especially the railroad workers from the top to the bottom, has somehow felt the pain of the lost lives. But those who have the authority, the courage to take the responsibility of their decisions and take refuge in the back of the three employees conscience once again infuriated.

The new regulation regarding the train movements in the Ankara-Sincan line section after the disaster and the railroads confirmed both our judgment and charged us with the duty to warn the public about the new catastrophes that might occur after a human error.

In the new regulation made by the railways,-Since the train train between Ankara YHT Gar-Esenkent-Ankara YHT Gar will not work, until the train train operation; The first train to Ankara Gardan will be at the maximum speed of 50 km / h from Xinjiang to Esenkent at maximum 160 km / h until the speed limits are complied with, and at the permissible speed after Esenkent. The first train between Esenkent-Ankara YHT Gar will be driving at maximum 160 km / h from Esenkent to Xinjiang, at maximum 50 km / h from Sincan to Ankara YHT Gar Gar.

This regulation implicitly confirms the risks of high-speed train operations on non-signaled lines. However, it shows that no lessons have been learned from the more experienced ones.

In the regulation, it was stated that the train train could not be operated for a time in the line section and the speed of the first train to be operated between Ankara and Sincan was reduced.

It is an admission that the first train to travel as a guide train will be operated as a guide train. It is not possible to accept such a business logic that puts people into the test object. In addition, the speed of the first train to be operated between Ankara and Sincan is limited to a limit of 50 km / h. However, the speed that exists before the first train is not restricted for the trains. This does not mean anything other than trying to re-operate the line under pre-disaster conditions. The consequences of this are unfortunately seen with the tragedy.

Here we warn once more;

These issues that concern human life and which should be taken into consideration as priority of life safety should not be used in politics for the sake of political rent. Railway transportation policies should be restructured with a public understanding. Besides, in order to ensure transportation safety, all lines should be repaired in a serious and complete manner, electrification and signaling requirements should be met and lines should not be opened to traffic without completing technical requirements.

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