Çerkezköy-Halkalı Road-Length Signalization and Telecommunication Project

road-side signaling and telecommunication project for the cerkezkoy halkali line
road-side signaling and telecommunication project for the cerkezkoy halkali line

Çerkezköy-Halkalı Road-length Signalization and Telecommunication Project Construction Work

The Turkish Republic General Directorate of State Railways (TCDD) has a limit value of 2018/481585 KIK with a value of 24.308.165,32 TL and an approximate cost of 30.056.595,48 TL Çerkezköy-Halkalı 5 is the company's one and 31.279.110,13 TL bid is awarded to ELSİTEL ELEKTROMEKANİK İNŞAAT PROJE TİC. AND SAN. Inc. company has won.

bid Çerkezköy(excluding)-Halkalı(except) (81 km), railway signaling and telecommunication projects. The duration of the work is 450 (four hundred and fifty) calendar days from the place delivery.