By making alternative projects to the city traffic, Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, which minimizes the disruptions in transportation, serves 12 million passengers per month with its new bridge crossroads, roads, bus-bus lines and trams. The Metropolitan Municipality does not disrupt new transportation projects according to the increasing and increasing population density.
Providing a cheaper and more comfortable service with the u GaziantepKart in in the bus and tram operations, the Metropolitan Municipality carries the monthly population of 2 million from the beginning of the city to the other according to the distribution of 12 million city population.
15 part of the transportation by tram, 15 part of the city bus (orange bus), 20 part of the private public bus (blue bus), the percentage of the minibuses (yellow buses) is doing the 50.
Aiming to increase the diversity in high-speed train and metro transportation, the Metropolitan Municipality also provides bus services to the new neighborhood (village) settlements.
Rapidly developing and growing rapidly in the world of rapid technological developments in the Metropolitan Municipality, smart city and smart transportation within the framework of the movement made many innovations.
Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, which facilitates the transportation of citizens especially after the transition to electronic card system, has implemented the transition system with the contactless credit cards used in our country and in the world in Gaziantep. In this direction, buses and trams can even be boarded with smart mobile phones.
The authorities of the Metropolitan Municipality listed the facilities provided to citizens as follows:
Iyor Our citizens can load money from “GaziantepKart ten for public transport from the internet or from their mobile phones without going anywhere from their home. With iyor My Bus Where and How to Go ız application, our citizens can plan where they want to go. In the new system, smart stops are activated. New card filling machines have been doubled. Citizens can learn the amount of money left on the card if they want. Our citizens can find out when their children using public transportation get on the bus and how much balance they have. If there is any negativity in the buses, the driver can inform the center by pressing the panic boat. Private public bus tradesmen can also access the information of their own bus. Ler