Şanlıurfa Metropolitan Municipality '' Transportation Problems and Solution Suggestions Workshop 'was held by Şanlıurfa Municipality.
The workshop was attended by representatives of NGOs, transport organizations and representatives of organizations from Harran University.
United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia Regional Organization (Uclg-Mewa) Board of Directors and Council Joint Meeting and UCLG-Mewa Urban Mobility After the Şanlıurfa Summit, the workshop was held in Şanlıurfa.
Public transportation, expansion of roads, new boulevards, bridged junctions were discussed and discussed at the meeting, the necessity of the establishment of Traffic Education Centers at a young age and the need to provide traffic education at a young age was repeated.
Sanliurfa Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Secretary General Seyfettin Gencer chaired the workshop. Deputy Secretary General Seyfettin Gencer; Responding to the questions of the representatives of the NGOs participating in the workshop on transportation, he gave information about the projects that the Metropolitan Municipality will do and will do.
Şanlıurfa Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Consultant Dr. Rafet Bozdoğan talked about the problems of transportation in Şanlıurfa and Can Hallaç, Head of Transportation Department of Metropolitan Municipality, conveyed the innovative works of Metropolitan Municipality for transportation.
After the workshop, the questions were answered and problems were reported about the problems in transportation.