Osmangazi Bridge on the 3.3 Million claim to stress!

Osmangazi koprusunde 3 3 billion claim the accent
Osmangazi koprusunde 3 3 billion claim the accent

The Court of Accounts determined that the operator company will gain an unfair profit of 2017 billion 3 million 323 thousand liras in 978 figures due to the extension of the implementation contract in Osmangazi Bridge contrary to the tender. It was also emphasized that the company will gain an unfair profit by starting the construction earlier than the contract, finishing the construction and operating the bridge for the remaining time. The Court of Accounts report also included that the first 400 million liras of the expropriation fee was not received from the contractor company for a long time. CHP Party Assembly Member Haydar Akar said, “They presented the build-operate-transfer model as a look-and-see-wealth model.”

The irregularities of the General Directorate of Highways in Osman Gazi Bridge known as Gebze-Orhangazi-İzmir Highway and Izmit Bay Crossing Bridge were determined by the auditors of the Court of Accounts. Most of the irregularities reflected in the 2017 reports came from the implementation contract of the project, which was tendered with the build-operate-transfer model, against the tender. Due to the extension of the application contract against the tender, it was determined that the operating company would gain an unfair gain of 2017 billion 3 million 323 thousand liras with 978 figures.


The conditions in the application contract for the motorway construction work had to come into effect on the 180 day. This period was exceeded and the sanctions foreseen by the contract were determined.

The deadline for the enforcement contract to come into force was March 26, 2011. However, contrary to the tender, the implementation contract was put into effect 715 days after this date, on 15 March 2013. 715 of the 276 days that passed were due to the negativities caused by the General Directorate of Highways. The recognition of this period as an additional operating time for the operating company was met normally. However, the Auditors' auditors found that the remaining 439 days of delay had nothing to do with the directorate, but that there was a delay in the responsibility of the operating company. The 439-day delay was supposed to be deducted from the operating time, but the directorate did not drop this time from the operating time. The auditors of the SAI calculated the 439 thousand 2017 lira per day with 7 figures of 571 days of operating time, and determined that an unfair gain of 705 billion 3 million 323 thousand 978 lira would occur.


Determining that the construction of the highway and bridge construction company, the contract early in the construction of the auditors, said that this situation is a huge unfair advantage. According to the contract, the operation time of the bridges and highways 22 year 4 month. The 7 year of this period was defined as the ı production process Bu. 7 22 will be added to the 4 month after operation period. Construction work began before the contract before the firm began construction of the place. Thus, the company company, the construction of the bridge with a moment to finish the extra time to obtain an unjustified gain in the report was emphasized in the report.

The auditors of the TCA said that the actual construction of the company could not be determined when the construction work started and therefore the unjust gain could not be calculated clearly. In other words, it was not possible to calculate the operating company's operating rights for an extra period of time.


The scandals related to Osmangazi Bridge and Izmir Motorway were not limited to this. According to the contract, the first 400 million pounds of the expropriation process was to cover the company that undertakes the work. After the completion of the expropriation of 400 million pounds, the administration would take over and expropriations would be made in the name of the Treasury. However, the General Directorate of Highways and the Treasury here also made a great contribution to the operating company and did not ask the operating company to demand money for expropriation.


The operator paid 400 million pounds for the first part of the expropriation and then paid the administration to the administration. But the interest on this amount was not paid. The auditors did not reflect the amount of interest that should be paid since the expropriation process started, and the amount of interest to be paid.

The auditors stated that the operating company did not pay any court costs for the expropriation transactions. In 2015, the General Directorate of Highways stated that they only paid 1 million 40 thousand pounds for the courts. The TCA auditors, who determined that the project has been expropriated for a total of 1 billion 651 million pounds, stated that all the expenses other than expropriation fees should be paid by the operating company and these prices were not taken by the administration.


Haydar Akar, CHP Party Assembly Member, made a statement on the subject. Akar used the following expressions in his statement; “They introduced the build-operate-transfer model as a look-work-wealth model. With this model, they revive all the companies they tendered to. Court of Auditors could only document a portion of 3.3 billion clearly. This figure increases even more with interest payments, which are not made with court costs. Add other giant projects built with this model, such as the 3rd Airport, to this dovetail, which was built only on the Osmangazi Bridge. Almost all of them have irregularities in their contract. Almost all of them work as mint for operating companies. Unfortunately, the build-operate-transfer model, which can develop the country if it is implemented properly, together with the guarantee tolls, the guarantee passenger fees and the agreements made with foreign currency, unfortunately, stands before us as a black hole. It swallows what's in our pocket, what's in our safe, what's in our treasure, the bread of the citizen, the labor of the retired. He steals from the citizen, returns to citizens as a more expensive service than necessary. ”