Muharrem Erkek, Deputy Chairman of CHP Legal Policies and Canakkale Deputy, prepared a law proposal to remove the SCT and VAT from the fuels used in public transport.
Muharrem Erkek, Deputy Chairman of CHP Legal Policies and Canakkale Deputy, prepared a law proposal to remove the SCT and VAT from the fuels used in public transport. Male stated that with the proposal, both public transportation will be encouraged and a significant contribution will be made to the solution of the problems of the tradesmen dealing with transportation, and support can be provided to our citizens who feel the effects of the economic crisis deeply with the wage reductions that can be provided.
The proposal submitted by the Vice President Men to the Parliament is as follows:
06.06.2002 is attached with the date and 4760 Special Consumption Tax Law and the 25.10.1984 date and date of 3065 together with the justification for the amendment in the Value Added Tax Law.
I respectfully demand.
Hunting. Muharrem ERKEK Çanakkale Deputy
Turkey, as accepted by many economists are experiencing a severe economic crisis. It is also known that this economic crisis is directly related to the political crises and developments. 16 In April 2017, the Constitutional amendment adopted by the decision of suspicious YSK has caused the legislative and judiciary to dissolve under execution. Under the economic crisis we live in, this is basically the destruction of the one-man regime and the democratic state of law. This situation causes the economy to become more difficult in a vicious circle and trust in our economy is decreasing.
The economy, which goes badly, hits the middle class and the people with low income. It has become even harder to buy products that are obligatory to survive. The hunger limit is 2, and the poverty line has reached 6 thousand liras. In these circumstances, the Value Added Tax (VAT) rates for yachts, cottages, boats and luxury cruise ships have been reduced from 18 to 1, with one of the state of emergency. The Special Consumption Tax (SCT) has been reset. The use of VAT and SCT from the fuel consumed for the vehicles used by our farmers, which are also used in public transportation, causes a great injustice and a severe blow to the national economy. In order to prevent VAT and SCT from the fuel used in public transportation, necessary legal arrangements must be made. In this way, as the prices will be cheaper, both public transport will be encouraged and a significant contribution will be made to the solution of the problems of the carrier tradesmen. People will be able to use public transportation cheaper.
In this context, it is aimed to amend 06.06.2002 date and 4760 Value Added Tax Law with 25.10.1984 date and 3065 Special Consumption Tax Law.
ARTICLE 1- With the amendment to 06.06.2002 / A of 4760 date and 7 Special Consumption Tax Law, it is aimed to remove SCT from fuels used in public transportation vehicles.
ARTICLE 2- 25.10.1984 3065 17 date and 4 XNUMX of the clause to be added to the paragraph paragraph XNUMX with the aim of removing VAT from fuels used in public transport vehicles.
ARTICLE 3- It is the validity clause.
ARTICLE 4- It is the executive substance.
ARTICLE 1- The 06.06.2002 / A clause of 4760 date and Special Consumption Tax Law 7 is amended as follows:
1. 2710., 2710. and 2710. GTİ.P. In accordance with the Law on the Protection of Competition No. 4054 and the Petroleum Market Law numbered 5015; Delivery of the Turkish Customs Law at the border gates, determined by the Council of Ministers, to the warehouses of trucks, trucks and refrigerants with semi-trailers (vehicles and refrigeration units not exceeding the standard fuel tank amounts) carrying goods to be taken abroad within the scope of the export regime.
2. Municipalities and municipalities under the supervision and supervision of the public transportation vehicles, the fuel used by these services
Exempt from tax.
The Ministry of Finance is authorized to determine the procedures and principles regarding the exemption set forth in this article, and to apply the exemption with the method of reimbursement of taxes to those who operate in accordance with this article. Maliye
ARTICLE 2- 25.10.1984 has been added to the 3065 of the 17 date and 4 of the XNUMX date as the sub-clause (i) of the following paragraphs:
Iyel The fuels used by the public transportation vehicles that provide services under the supervision and supervision of municipalities and municipalities ed
ARTICLE 3- This law shall enter into force on the date of its publication.
ARTICLE 4- The provisions of this law are executed by the President.