Taxis in Manisa

Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Department, which accelerated its inspections of passenger-carrying vehicles throughout Manisa, carried out inspections of commercial taxis in the city center. Driver card, taximeter [more…]


Mersin, 3 in the Rail System Project

CHP's Serdal Kuyucuoğlu blamed the Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Burhanettin Kocamaz for the rail system project. Stating that the project is 3 years behind, Kuyucuoğlu said that it is known that the project will not be accepted. [more…]

silk road project map
86 China

What is the Silk Road Project?

In recent years, there have been important developments in logistics in the world. One of these developments is the world's new economic power, China. While many world brands direct all their investments to this country, [more…]