Yüntaş Co. Bus Operator continues its trainings for the drivers at full speed. In the cooperation of YÜNTAŞ A.Ş., Safe Driving Training Center (GÜSEM) and ANADOLU ISUZU, public transportation drivers have been given practical and theoretical safe and economical driving techniques trainings.
Yuntaş Bus Operator drivers who spend a large part of their days in traffic, XnUMX day lasting by Safe Driving Training Center (GÜSEM) Company Trainer Yener Gülünay and Assistant Instructor Yiğit Demiroğlu; Ler The basic principles of safe driving techniques, careful driving and road conditions, road and environment, uncontrolled factors, vehicle security systems and their use, traffic monitoring and stopping distances, the importance of the use of seat belts ler were given.
Before the start of the task of many challenging test drivers who are trained to increase their professional competence, officials noted, officials who are still working with beginners, experts on the subject of safe driving, using the technical information related to the use of buses and buses are given theoretical and practical training said. Isuzu Novociti Life bus was used in the training. A fuel metering device was installed on the bus engine, which accurately measures fuel consumption and reported the consumption of drivers. First, the randomly determined 6 driver used an 10 km-long route between the 5,9 stopping point.
A total of 40 drivers participated in the seminar, explaining how fuel savings should be made and important errors of drivers causing excess consumption. After that, the same drivers tried to apply the driving techniques that they learned once again by driving the wheel. At the end of the training, it was found that the fuel consumption rate was% 26. Thanks to this effective training that allows drivers to change their wrong habits, at the same time, the risk of getting involved in traffic accidents is reduced, as well as the use of vehicles that are less polluting the environment.
Throughout the day-long trainings, public transport drivers were told how to use the vehicles more safely and efficiently. Efficient driving training was given on public transport to reduce fuel costs, increase profitability, go a little longer with less fuel, provide less greenhouse gas emissions and respect the environment and ensure safe driving. A driver who traveled an 300 km per day was expected to save 57 a thousand TL in a year by using efficient driving techniques and spend an annual total of around 1 million TL less fuel.
The participants stated that the training was very useful and that they would use Isuzu NovocitiLife more consciously. In the final stage of the training, in line with the reports, it was shown how much profit they got from fuel through efficient driving techniques and how profitable these profits would be if they were proportional to their annual distance.