Torbali Odemis Cutlery Tire Line Cut-off Electrification Plants Construction Work Tender Result

Torbalı (except) Ödemiş Çatal Tire line cut electrification facilities construction work was done today. 2018 firm has submitted a bid for the construction works of electrification facilities for the line cut to the Ödemiş Çatal Tire line section with the limit of 201873 TL and 37.409.277,03 TL of the General Directorate of Turkish State Railways, and the bagged cost of 44.890.304,46 TL (excluding). Scoring will be made according to the tender procedure and the winning company will be announced by the JCC.

The companies that bid for the tender and their offers are as follows;

1-Emre Ray Energy 43.997.134,00 TL
2-Building Center 49.691.432,00 TL
3-Kolin Construction + ARMİN Elek. 49.990.628,00 TL
4-Ultra Technology 52.694.502,00 TL
5-Doğuş İnş + Elsitel Elect. 55.157.066,00 TL

Tender Torbalı (Excluding) -Ödemiş-Çatal-Tire 73 km line length includes electrolysis facilities works. The duration of the work is 600 (six hundred) calendar days from the place delivery.


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