In Aliağa, students read a book in İZBAN with the slogan çekmek People Read Everywhere ına to draw attention to reading habits and love of books.
The Aliağa District Directorate of National Education organized a ışkan People Read Everywhere lüğü project in order to provide students with the habit of reading and to instill the love of books. Primary school students have created awareness by reading a book on İZBAN Station and train. The event was held with the participation of 400 students. In the morning, students and teachers going to IZBAN station traveled to the Menemen station until the train started, and after the train arrived, they read a book while traveling. Students said it would be more useful to spend time reading books rather than spending time on mobile phones or tablets. The project was welcomed by other citizens traveling with İZBAN.
'Can be read anywhere'
Emphasizing that people can read books anywhere, Aliağa District National Education Director Ogün Derse said, “As Aliağa İlce National Education Directorate, we organized this event in Aliağa İZBAN station and Democracy Square in order to create awareness about reading books. With the 'People Read Everywhere' project, our aim was to emphasize the importance of reading and to emphasize that people spend their time reading and reading their daily life, especially during the journey. In particular, İZBAN travels are a great opportunity to read books… In many countries of the world, citizens use the compulsory time they spend in public transport by reading books. We also wanted to create this awareness among our citizens by realizing our activity in İZBAN. ” said. Indicating that he travels with İZBAN every day, Derse said that he can read books everywhere by drawing attention to the loss of time spent over the phone.