High Voltage Warning for Başkentray Line from TCDD

The Republic of Turkey State Railways (TCDD) General Directorate, high voltage warning for Sincan Ankara-Kayaş railway line was made.

TCDD General Directorate in a written statement, the Sincan-Ankara-Kayas railway line built under the grabber of the Capital City Project, 20 27 thousand Tuesday from February 500 volt high voltage will be given.

Due to the high voltage to be given to the line cutting, it is emphasized that traveling under the electric train overhead lines, touching the poles, climbing, approaching the conductors and touching the falling wires are dangerous for life and property safety.


Foods That Reduce Stress

Stress can occur due to a variety of conditions in daily life. Situations such as intense work tempo, especially metropolitan life, and spending too much time in traffic can increase the stress level. Expert Dietician Şükrü Can Gülşen stress [more…]