Haydarpaşa Gar'da 317.Hafta

haydarpasa gari when will be urgent
haydarpasa gari when will be urgent

Haydarpaşa Gar left his trine, he entered his seventh year in six years.

United Transport Employees Union, including Haydarpaşa Solidarity in the last decisive struggle from the 317 week in front of the Haydarpasa Gar Unity Transport Employees Union with the participation of members and managers of the Istanbul Branch 1 continued to fight until the trains have been announced.



Foods That Reduce Stress

Stress can occur due to a variety of conditions in daily life. Situations such as intense work tempo, especially metropolitan life, and spending too much time in traffic can increase the stress level. Expert Dietician Şükrü Can Gülşen stress [more…]


  1. Haydarpaşa station will be the same as the former train station says that the extreme left-handed in the garda show a meaning.

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