MOTAŞ Passes Passenger's Pulse

Malatya Metropolitan Municipality Transportation and Public Transportation Services MOTAŞ AŞ. started the passenger survey that it carries out regularly every year. MOTAŞ General Manager: “Observing the reflection of the innovations we have made on our passengers [more…]


Drivers Provided Training in Düzce

A training seminar was organized for Düzce Municipality Transportation Services Directorate personnel regarding CNG buses used in public transportation. Drivers working within Düzce Municipality were informed that CNG vehicles are efficient and effective. [more…]

Channel Istanbul
34 Istanbul

Channel Pressed for Istanbul

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process, which turned into a snake story for Canal Istanbul, the crazy project that has been on Turkey's agenda for 7 years, has been restarted. It was suspended in December and operated 24 hours a day. [more…]


TCDD Recruits Personnel without KPSS with İŞKUR

TCDD personnel recruitment announcement was published on the state personnel presidency website. 2 people will be hired as captains (unlimited) and 1 person will be hired as chief engineer/chief engineer (unlimited). According to the announcement made by the state personnel presidency [more…]

Map of Samsun Tramvay

Samsun Light Rail Line

Samsun Light Rail System line, main line route 1st Stage Project starts from the University area and ends in the Gar station area. 10.10.2010st Stage Rail System put into service on 1 [more…]