Transport Officer-You Requests, forwarded to Minister Sarıeroğlu

At the Public Employee Advisory Board Meeting, the Transport Officer-Sen conveyed his requests regarding the service branch to the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Jülide Sarıeroğlu.

The last Public Personnel Advisory Board Meeting of 2017 was held under the chairmanship of the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Jülide Sarıeroğlu.

Memur-Sen Chairman Ali Yalçın, Transport Officer-Sen Chairman Can Cankesen, Vice Chairman İbrahim Uslu, Kenen Çalışkan, Trade Union Attorney Raşit Yılmaz, Memur-Sen members and other confederation representatives and bureaucrats.

General President Can Cankesen On behalf of the employees of the transportation service branch, the demands of Transport Officer-Sen regarding the service arm were forwarded to Minister Jülide Sarıeroğl.

1- Shift Compensation
The personnel working in shifts are compensated for up to% 5 of the highest civil servant's pension for each day of shift work.

2 - Weekend, Public Holidays, Work Compensation in Religious Holidays
In our service center, employees working on weekends, public holidays, religious and national holidays are paid compensation for the day until the% 10 of the highest civil servant pension.

3- Transition to Business Day Account for Annual Permits
a) It is ensured that the annual permits of the personnel working in SEEs subject to the Decree Law No. 399 are not counted in the days of the days corresponding to the weekends and general holidays and the permissions are calculated according to the workday account.
b) In the use of annual leave, the number limitation is removed and the track is used as desired.
c) In addition, service periods in the private sector are also taken into account in the number of annual leave days.

4- Chief Machinist Position
The personnel working in TCDD and its affiliates are given the position of a chief mechanic. Additional payments are arranged in% 67.

5- Discounts for our employees
TNCD train ticket costs are applied with discount of% 657 for the personnel and their spouses and children who are subject to Decree Law no. 399 and 50.

6- 399 Bonus for Employees Subject to Decree No: I
The personnel working on the number 1 table of the Decree Law no. 399 previously received the bonuses twice a year, while the 02.11.2011 clause of the Annex 28103 clause of the Decree Law no. These bonuses have been abolished as required by (ü). This bonus begins to be given again.

7- Food Additive and Clothing Aid
a) The food contribution to the employees from the budget (for shift personnel per meal) is determined as 2018 TL for 8 and 2019 for 10. The salaries of those who cannot benefit from the service within the legal limits are paid in cash and calculated monthly.
b) Clothing assistance to the personnel working in our service department is paid in cash.

8- Service
Personnel service is provided to ensure that the personnel working in the TCDD regional directorates and the UDHB provincial organization work.

9- Actual Service Hike:
Commissions related to the actual service hike have been established and one of these commissions is the Transport Commission. Results should be accelerated and results should be obtained. A second meeting on the issue has not yet taken place. An urgent meeting and solution should be produced.
(X Financial and social rights for the general public sosyal section 38 Article)

10- 45 Status of Security Guard
Due to the fact that the protection and security duty is a work carried out in our service department, after 45 age, the employees are assigned to an appropriate position which will not cause any decrease in their personal and financial rights by staying in the same workplace with their wishes.

11- Technical Staff Position of the ARFF Officers
The RFF officers working at DHMI are assigned to the position of Technician in accordance with their training and work.

12- ARFF Officer, ARFF Chief, Apron Officer and Apron Supervisor
At the DHMI, the ARFF officer, the RFF chief, the apron officer and the apron chief who use the vehicle, which carries out the RFF and apron services by using the vehicle, are paid an additional 100 TL monthly.

13- Regulating the Rights of Air Traffic Controllers
Air traffic controllers in DHMI are assigned to the position of the controller or expert (Group A) corresponding to their positions.

14- Weapon Compensation
Armed private security guard is licensed and the security guard / chiefs and managers are paid 5 TL / Hour gun compensation for each hour they work.

15- ATSEP License for Electric / Electronic Personnel at DHMI;
Electrical / electronic personnel working at airports are granted the ATSEP License by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation.
(ATSEP License: Air Navigation Safety Electronic Personnel License)

16- DHMİ Complementary Health Insurance
The personnel working in DHMI; complementary health insurance is made without additional payment, provided that all of the cost is met from the Euro Control Organization.

17- Additional Payment Increase for Port Authority
The additional payments of the personnel working in the port offices are increased by TL 300 to be covered by the revolving fund.

18-UDHB Additional Payments of Employee Employee Revolving Funds
The Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications has a revolving fund and the revenue of this business is the result of the work and operations of the personnel. From this income, employees receive an increase of% 40 of the highest civil servant salary.

19- More Work at Ports and Transportation Regional Directorates
Although our ports operate according to the 24 hour basis, the staff cannot receive overtime or overtime. Overworked work is paid.

20- Personnel Rights of Directorate General of Civil Aviation
In the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (HSE), the personnel working under the Administrative Service Agreement are protected and their employment is secured by protecting their existing financial and personal rights.

21- Payment of Payments
The fee charged by the contracted personnel in the chart no. 399 numbered II shall be paid. This fee to be paid under the name of proxy compensation cannot be less than the% 20 of the highest civil servant pension.

22- Apartments
All employees are allowed to sit in the lodgings in order for the allocation of lodgers.

23- Removal of Record Success Score
The registration fee is removed and the wage based on the registration success score is added to the basic fee.

24- Free Nursery Service
Free nursery service is provided to the staff working in our service line; In the workplaces that cannot be provided, this fee is paid in cash to the personnel.

25- Train Chief and Additional Payments to Conductors
For passengers who travel in high positions without ticket or in high positions, they are paid money to the Conductors and Train Chefs who earn their income by increasing their ticket price or position, and the money is paid in the rate of% 15 for regional trains and suburban trains.

26- Accommodation Fee;
The 6245 daily time limitation does not apply to the accommodation fee paid under the subsidy 10. The temporary duty path paid to temporary staff is paid to all civil servants regardless of the type of employment paid under the Law No. 6245. In temporary assignments, the daily wage is paid at the rate of% 50 more than the allowance per day as long as the assignment continues.

27 - Internal Auditors working in SEEs;
Financial, personal and social rights of internal auditors working in SEEs; It is equalized to the financial, personal and social rights of the internal auditors.

28- Wage Balance;
There is a high salary difference between the officer-chief, chief-branch manager, branch manager-deputy head of department, deputy head of department-department. These salaries are rearranged.

29- Additional Payments and Family Assistance;
Additional payments and family allowance are reflected in the pension.

30- Tax Slices;
Income tax rates of employees working in SEEs are increased and income tax rates are reduced.

31- Solidarity Fees;
In order to benefit from collective bargaining agreements, employees who are not members of the authorized trade union are required to pay the solidarity dues to the authorized union.

32 - Prohibition of Prohibitions;
Public and political and trade bans are lifted; costume and beard freedom is provided.


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