Günay Accepts YHT Machinists

AK Party Eskisehir deputy Emine Nur Gunay, High-Speed ​​Train Mechanic came together with the Parliament. Günay listened to the demands and suggestions of the mechanic.

Eskisehir Deputy Emine Nur Gunay, who welcomed the machinery at the Grand National Assembly, listened to the suggestions and demands of the mechanics. Günay said that he would share these demands with those concerned and follow them. YHT machinists, Günay'a demands conveyed the main title of 5. One of them was the demand for the replacement and compensation of the YHT mechanic. Others included the introduction of a new regulation on speed compensation, the addition of the YHT chief mechanic's title, the return of the right to wear, and the definition of the duties, authorities and responsibilities of the YHT machinists.


  1. The mechanics should go to the attorney is wrong, the authority is skip.

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