Transfer in public transport began in Manisada

Transformation of public transport by the Metropolitan Municipality of Manisa made the transfer of public transportation vehicles more comfortable and comfortable with the transfer application began. 60 1.00 pounds will be charged in the second time in the second pass.

The transfer application started in the public transportation which has been renewed within the scope of the transformation project of Manisa Metropolitan Municipality and became more comfortable and preferable. With the decision taken in the transfer application 60 minutes within the second boarding trip will be charged as 1.00 lira said. It is reported that the transfer fee will be charged as 10 TL in the case of boarding of another city line on the condition that 50 will start after 1,00 minutes and 10 will not be the same line within the 10 minutes. MANULAS Inc. said in a statement about the subject, "Manisakart'ı after reading the validator 50 more than minutes before the right to transfer will not be used. If it is used a second time before the expiry of the Manisa, it will be charged according to the normal tariff. However, transfer is not performed in the same line. From city buses to city buses, city bus, city bus to city buses; 60 minutes after the first XNUMX transfer is implemented in a total of XNUMX minutes there is a transfer time sonr said.


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