Support from IETT to energy efficiency

Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO), Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO), Independent Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (MUSIAD), Energy Efficiency Association (ENVER), IGDAS and IETT have called on citizens, industrialists and businessmen to use energy efficiently.

31 October World Savings Day calls for energy-efficient use of the business world. Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO), Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO), Independent Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (MUSIAD) and Energy Efficiency Association (ENVER) and İGDAŞ and IETT General Managers, all citizens in individual life, all industrialists and businessmen in corporate life urged to use efficiently.

IETT General Manager Arif Emecen said that by inviting all Istanbul residents to use public transportation, public transportation is a saving in itself. Emecen, the 12 meter-long vehicle average 80-100 people, and the average 1,5 person carrying special vehicles, giving the largest square meter, looking at a large savings, he said.