You can go from Kars to Baku by train, but you cannot go to Haydarpaşa from Izmit.

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haydarpasa gari when will be urgent

Republic of Turkey, stepped xnumx'inc the year yesterday. In the Republican period, our country has achieved very important gains. Especially in the last 95 annual AK Party, the investments made on transportation are not finished.
We became ships. Our merchant ships were opened to the world seas. There were giant ports in our bay.
We missed the era of air transportation. Every city was made to the airport. Airplanes get up and down everywhere. It was built in our city, but we didn't fly to our airport.

All roads were double. New highways are built, done.

There were really big investments, especially in the railway sector. There is a very important ceremony today. The first scheduled train on the Kars-Tbilisi-Baku railway line will depart with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Azerbaijan and the Prime Minister of Georgia.

Kars-Tbilisi-Baku railway is a very big project. 76 826 kilometers total kilometers long in Turkey. Very long tunnels, very long viaducts. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent. Thanks to this railway, it will be possible to go by train from Beijing to Beijing, England to London.

Of course we're proud. Of course we stand up to the applause. But today 826 kilometers from Kars to Baku "Iron Silk Road" that makes Turkey, which had formerly Haydarpasa-Arifiye destroyed commuter train.

If you ask, "What happened to our commuter train," they say, "Yes, it works." We ate, either. There are 4 flights from Pendik to Arifiye. That's a few stations.

We want our old commuter train. Our suburban train departing from Haydarpaşa, standing at 42 Evler in every settlement center, making 8-10 reciprocations on a daily basis.

Today there is a Kars-Tbilisi-Baku railway with an 826 kilometer. Now people can go by train from Beijing to London.

But still Turkey's most densely populated region in the past Haydarpasa-Arifiye there are no trains.

Isn't it a great contradiction?

Source: İsmet ÇİĞİT - is


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