A salary bonus from the president to the hero driver

When he was working at Izmit - Istanbul Tuzla Hat 200, he suddenly came to the dog because of the sudden appearance of him, and then he was awarded with a salary bonus by Mayor Karaosmanoğlu, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Park driver Eren Karadaş, who provided the treatment despite the reaction of the passengers. Congratulating Karadaş, who displayed an exemplary behavior with the waiting of the veterinarian and healthcare teams, Karaosmanoğlu said, “I congratulate my Eren brother for his beautiful, loving and compassionate behavior. He himself demonstrated very correct behavior. The owner of the injured dog, who suddenly came in front of him in the darkness of the night and hit him, did not leave it there. This attitude that he put forward should set an example for everyone and should increase. ”


İstanbul İçmeler Mayor Karaosmanoğlu, who hosted Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Park Public Chauffeur Eren Karadaş in his office, who took care of the dog that he struck due to sudden departure when he reached his position, said, “All animals have the right to live in this world. We must have mercy on all living things. We will have mercy, we will see mercy. I congratulate my brother who melted for him once again. I want our colleagues and all citizens to behave in the same way. We will love our environment and animals. We will know that they have the right to live in this world. We cannot underestimate them, and we must be sensitive to other creatures, such as humans. We give my brother a salary bonus because of this beautiful behavior. ”


During the meeting attended by Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Park General Manager Yasin Özlü, Karaosmanoğlu, who gave the public bus driver Eren Karadaş on the plaque in memory of the day, listened to Eren's mouth once again. Eren Karadaş, the driver of the public bus, which travels between Izmit and Istanbul Tuzla with 200 Line number, said that he saw that the dog that suddenly came in front of him remained in blood on the ground and immediately took the injured dog into his vehicle. Despite the reactions of the passengers saying that they will be late for work, Bus Driver Eren Karadaş, who conveyed the incident to the necessary units, İçmeler Under the bridge of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality veterinarians and teams delivered the injured dog.

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