In Kahramanmaraş, as a result of the cargo train hitting the car at the level crossing, one child from the same family, 2 people died, 1 person was seriously injured.
The freight train, which made the Adana-Elazig expedition, crashed into a 30 F 46 license plate car in the Ali Çevlik (6123) administration at the level crossing in the Şerefoğlu District of the central Dulkadiroğlu district.
The accident seriously injured driver and his wife Nimet (26) and daughter Esma Çevlik (4), 112 Emergency Service teams Necip Fazil City Hospital were taken.
Despite the intervention, the mother and daughter of the injured could not be saved. It was reported that the life threatening driver Ali Çevlik continued to be treated.
On the other hand, it was learned that Çevlik family came to visit a sick relatives living in Şerefoğlu Mahallesi.