Steam System Starts at Stop

Steam System Became Operational at the Stops: In Şanlıurfa, where the air temperature exceeded 45 degrees; The Metropolitan Municipality has activated a steam system and turnstiles at the stops to prevent citizens from being affected by the heat. [more…]

Intercity Railways

What's going on on the railways?

The historical definition of privatization is this: "No investment can be made in an institution that cannot be sold." “What does this mean?” I can almost hear you asking. Zonguldak, where not a single nail has been hammered for nearly 40 years [more…]

11 Bilecik

Removing the Tunnel Boring Machine

The Tunnel Boring Machine Under the Collapse Is Being Removed: In 2009, 33 million Euros worth were buried under the tunnel that collapsed during the High Speed ​​​​Train (YHT) line construction works in Bilecik. [more…]