Sahin Mesaisi at Karaman-Ulukışla High Speed Train Line from Apaydın: General Director of TCDD İsa Apaydın, 10 June 2017 spent on Saturday at the Ereğli construction site of the ongoing Karaman-Ulukışla High Speed Railway line.
Assistant General Manager, Chief of Department, Deputy Chief of the Department of Public Relations, Press and Public Relations Consultant, Head of Departments and 6. Apaydın, who came to Eregli construction site with the Regional Manager, made a presentation about the progress of the project by the contractor company authorities before the sahur dinner.
Apaydın touched on the importance of timely completion of the project and instructed all plans and programs to be done accordingly. General Director of TCDD Apaydın, Sahurun, then left the site with his retinue.