Apaydın, Samsun-Kalın Railway Line Found in Investigations: TCDD General Manager İsa Apaydın18 June 2017 used the paver during the investigations on the Samsun-Kalın (Sivas) Railway Line, whose modernization works continued on Saturday.
Executive Vice Presidents, Chief of the Department, Deputy Chief of the Office of the Assistant Director of the Board of Inspectors, 1. Apaydın, who worked with the Legal Consultant, Press and Public Relations Consultant, Internal Audit and Head of Departments, and Samsun-Kalın Railway Line, joined the paver machine in Zile-Turhal section and participated in the material laying process for a while.
He met with the mayor of TURHAL
During his studies at the Turhal station, he visited the Mayor of Turhal Yilmaz Bekler, who met with the Mayor to inform the Mayor about the demand for over / underpasses.
General Director of TCDD Apaydın, Samsun-Kalın (Sivas) Railway Line within the scope of the investigation of the local production of Concrete Traverse Factory in Amasya Kayabaşı.
Apaydın, who received information about the production capacity and technology of the facilities of the company, stated that the local railway industry was formed due to the development of the railroads in our country and that the concrete sleeper factory was one of them.
After the day-long investigations, Sayden General Manager Apaydın, who went to Suluova construction site, received information from the contractor company about the progress of the project.
Noting that the Samsun-Sivas line was closed for the project works, Apaydın said, ığ This train operation was interrupted even for the Samsun - Kalın Railway Line Modernization Project. We would like to restart the train operation between Samsun and Sivas. Considering this issue, I want to draw attention to how important it is to complete the project on time. Bu