Another important step in the liberalization process of the Railway Sector was taken and the second network notification was published today. The 1st Network Notification (2017 Period), prepared by TCDD and containing the necessary information on the railway infrastructure network, access conditions, application, capacity allocation processes and services provided and pricing, was approved by the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications and published on November 29, 2016.
As of the Railway Sector Liberalization Process and Network Notification known, Turkey Liberalization of Railway Transport about Law No. 6461, 1 May 2013 entered into force in history.
With the said Law;
TCDD was restructured as a railway infrastructure operator. “TCDD Transportation Inc. in was established as a subsidiary of TCDD in order to operate freight and passenger transportation and private rail train operations were enabled. Private railway infrastructure management was promoted.
2. Network Notice Published
The second Network Statement prepared by TCDD as the infrastructure operator on the national railway network in the Freed Rail Sector was approved by the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications and published on 11.05.2017.
2018 Period Network Statement 10.12.2017 - 08.12.2018 period.
Purpose of Network Notification
The Network Notification aims to provide information to railway train operators who want to make a request for the railway infrastructure capacity at the disposal of TCDD on the general terms and conditions regarding the use of the railway infrastructure at the disposal of TCDD, the issues that must be fulfilled and taken into consideration during the capacity allocation process, the railway infrastructure and the services provided, infrastructure access fees and the pricing of the services provided by TCDD.
The 2018 Year Network Reporting Period has also been announced.