Efforts to Establish a Logistics Base in Afyonkarahisar have come to an end: A pre-agreement text was signed with TCDD 2012th Regional Directorate in the works to establish a Logistics Base in Afyonkarahisar since 7.
OSB Chairman of the Board Bekir Yeşilay, OSB Regional Manager Ali Ulvi Akosmanoğlu, Deputy Head of Modernization Sefer Volkan Arslan, Department of Modernization Infrastructure Branch Manager Gökhan Tacim and TCDD 7. Regional Director Adem Sivri attended.
Afyonkarahisar OSB logistics base project TCDD 2017 year investment program Adem Sivri to make a great effort, said Afyokarahisar is an opportunity not to be missed.
OSB President Bekir Yesilay, who touched on the importance of logistics in today's market conditions, said: ic I believe that the logistics costs of our industrialists will decrease and the competitiveness will increase. Today, we have signed the logistic base of pre-reconciliation text for our province and our industrialists wish to be good, thank you very much on behalf of our industrialists, '' he said.
Afyonkarahisar OSB logistics base project TCDD 2017 investment program for the year to take a great effort Adem Sivri, Afyonkarahisar said that an opportunity not to be missed.
The statement made by Afyonkarahisar Organized Industrial Zone is as follows;
OSB President Bekir Yesilay, who touched on the importance of logistics in today's market conditions, said: ic I believe that the logistics costs of our industrialists will decrease and the competitiveness will increase. Today, we have signed the logistic base of pre-reconciliation text for our province and our industrialists wish to be good, thank you very much on behalf of our industrialists, '' he said.
Our Competitiveness Will Increase
As it is known, our companies operating in our province and Organized Industrial Zone generally use İzmir Port to export to Europe and the United States. Our firms, which mainly operate in the marble sector, are experiencing difficulties due to regulations and transportation standards since they carry their products to the port by road.
In addition, marble marble in Afyonkarahisar Organized Industrial Zone and marble quarries in Antalya, Isparta, Burdur, Denizli, Muğla, Eskişehir and Bilecik provinces are also located. Since the marble block physical structure is not divided into two for the purpose of transportation, the companies have problems in adapting their products to the ports while they transport their products to the ports. The penalties and customer losses caused by this problem negatively affect the competitiveness of our firms. In order to overcome the negativities, directing our companies to rail transport will contribute to increase their competitiveness.
Logistics is the precondition of Easy Export.
Afyonkarahisar Ali Çetinkaya Station was in the city. The number of cranes in Gar and the lack of storage areas prevent our companies from taking advantage of the Gar. The fact that there is no truck park in the Gar, the fact that it does not allow for intermodal transportation, is an obstacle for easy export. Industrialists; On the ring road, which is located in the city center, which is the most effective way of transportation as it is in European countries, it was necessary to establish a logistic base in the treasury-owned area behind the region called the '' Witnesses ''.
Railway Transportation is Today's Economic, Punctual and Environmental Transport System
Thus, our Organized Industrial Zone with high load potential and especially the marble sector companies will save time and transportation costs because they will be able to transport their products directly to logistics villages and ports thanks to the logistic base to be established in an area close to our Organized Industrial Zone outside the city. There may be problems due to unforeseen reasons such as deliveries, traffic conditions and road maintenance and repair works. Drivers who want to deliver the cargo to the port on time, violate the speed rules and cause traffic accidents. Railway transportation is an economical, punctual and environment-friendly transport system.
Logistics Bases in the Light of National Targets
The increase in production and export volume of the enterprises, the provincial administration to become a brand city in the Food and Natural Stone Sector, In the light of our Government's 2023 targets, in the light of the Great Anatolian Logistics Organization and the Silk Road project, a logistic base integrated into national and local projects was required in our region.
Customs Directorate to be Moved to Logistics Base
In our logistics base, which will be built in a short period of time, the place was allocated for the Customs Directorate of our province. After our construction is completed, the Customs Directorate will be transported to our Logistics Base. Transportation, distribution, storage, handling, customs clearance, banking and consultancy services will be provided at our logistics base.
We believe that this important development, which we believe will affect the exportation of Afyonkarahisar to a great extent and increase the current export potential of our province to more basic levels, will increase the competitiveness of our province in the national and international markets.