MOTAŞ conducts public transport with an artist's meticulousness

MOTAŞ conducts public transport with an artist's meticulousness: According to the results of the customer satisfaction survey conducted by the Malatya Metropolitan Municipality MOTAŞ by an independent research organization, 10 thousand people, the 73 of the passengers who use public transportation in Malatya declared that they are satisfied.

Stating that the results of the survey conducted in 2016, they have carried out a number of innovations, stating that they had carried out innovations, MOTA General Manager Anwar Sadat Tamgaci said that as a result of the innovations they carried out, the 2 carried the citizen satisfaction up.

Anwar Sadat, X 2016 in the survey conducted by the people in this area to determine the expectations, a large part of them in the year 2016 have done. While providing information to our passengers who are waiting at the stops with their information screens and finding out the time of the vehicles, we also gave a good comfort to their travels by visually and audibly to explain the stops they will go through the screens inside the vehicle. Again, in order to facilitate access to smart cards in line with passenger demands, we have implemented the balance of the smart cards and the balance loading system on the internet.

This and similar innovations have been reflected in our survey and we received very good reactions from the public. Gerçek

We are carrying out public transportation with an artist's meticulousness Toplu
The General Manager of MOTAŞ, Anwar Sadat Tamgacı, stated that they have implemented the Call Center in order to communicate faster with the citizens. We are carrying out public transportation with an artist meticulousness. On the one hand we try to keep up with the developing world, on the other hand we have developed all the methods, innovations we offer to the public. We reach these results through the questionnaires we have made and we continuously develop and implement the innovations we plan in line with the demands lı.

The General Manager of MOTAŞ stated that the occupancy rate of the vehicles increased day by day and that there were heavy demands from the regions where the buses were not sent; Iye We made a survey this year in order to achieve better, to make more accurate choices. Within the scope of the survey conducted by an independent organization; A total of 10 passengers were met with passengers waiting at the stops, bus and trambus passengers.

Factor analysis, frequency analysis, and the average calculated according to the results of the survey, according to the customer satisfaction of the previous year was seen to increase 2 points more Faktör.

MOTAS General Manager Anwar Sadat Tamgaci, gave the following information about the results of the survey:
5 bin 780 male, 4 thousand 220 female, including a total of 10 thousand subjects were surveyed. Within the scope of the survey, satisfaction levels of the participants were measured by age distribution. Accordingly% being most engaged with 43 13-25 age range, while the lowest satisfaction rate average was measured in the above-Turkey this bracket together with a 70,5%.

17-26 aged 35-74 are satisfied with our services. they are.

In the questionnaire where the level of passenger transport of passengers is also measured; % 59 is used several times a week,% 20 is used for various purposes every day,% 12 is rarely used and 5 is used several times a month.

The general public is satisfied with our service
79,23 of the passengers participating in the survey were satisfied with the attitudes and behaviors of the personnel and their trust in the personnel were registered. It was followed by the drivers with the 79,06 satisfaction rate, the communication of the passengers with the passengers, the cleanliness of the vehicles with 78, the safety of the vehicles with 77,5, the orientation of the 77 at the stops and the signs in the stops.

The percentage of those who were satisfied with our services was% 2016 in the 71,46 survey, while this result increased to 2017 by 2 in 73,37. This shows that confidence in our company continues every year.

We will continue our efforts to bring the captured satisfaction trend to an even higher level. At the beginning of the current year, we placed KIOSKs, which are used in the logic of debit and used to load balance on smart cards, at certain points of our city. In addition, we plan to offer the new Trambus which will come in the year. After this and similar innovations, we expect 2018 to rise to% 75 in March. Bu

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