Satellite parts will be produced in Turkey

Satellite parts in Turkey will be produced: Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Minister Ahmet Arslan, for the establishment of Turkey Space Agency, "Turksat 5A and the contribution of domestic products with 5B, increasing its contribution to the national product, our country will become no longer can produce the satellite pieces and Turksat 6 ' Hopefully, we will have produced it in our country with completely national and domestic contributions. ” said.

Armstrong, in his statement, since Turkey's past work has been done on space but narrower than the scale of the work carried out, he said.

Reminding that Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım was working on space and aviation during the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, Arslan said, “We have established the General Directorate of Space and Aviation Technologies under the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, and this has been serving as a general manager for 5 years.” he spoke.

Arslan said that they are trying to establish an agency level about this issue.

“Within the framework of the development of the aviation industry, the developments in space, and the place that our country has received through satellites in space, it can no longer be carried out at the level of a head office, it should be at the level of an agency, and our country should now be in space, being among the countries that guide space policies and aviation policies. we established an agency-level organization because we think it should be.

Arslan of Turkey Space Agency reminded that the draft law went to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.

Thanking the Industry Commission, Arslan continued his words as follows:

“Both our committee chairman and commission members made serious contributions with their opinions, suggestions and questions. Which consists of 27 articles and five temporary agent with Turkey Space Agency Draft Law on the recommendations of friends, the General Assembly passed the commission to go along with changes in commission within the framework of ideas. Hopefully it will come to the agenda of the general assembly within 5 days, and if the General Agency adopts and enacts the Space Agency Bill, we will take our place in space. ”

“We will have produced Türksat 6A in our country with national and domestic contributions”

Arslan said that 12 countries have the capability to launch a satellite, the space agency said Turkey also will be one of those countries.

Arslan, who said that they will be among these countries in many subjects, especially in the field of astronaut education, continued as follows:

“Including the ability to launch satellite into space, today we have 12 countries worldwide capable of launching satellite, we will be among them. We have been thinking about producing our own satellite since the past. In the satellites we have produced for nearly 10 years, we have kept our engineers in production stages all over the world in order to gain this ability and this competence of Turkish engineers. Our engineers had the necessary competence. There are now educated and equipped personnel in this competence in our country. With Turksat 5A and 5B, we will be able to produce satellite parts in our country by increasing domestic product additives, national product additives and hopefully we will have produced Turksat 6A in our country with national and local contributions. Therefore Space Agency together with Turkey after producing satellite, satellite launching satellites, but it is not satisfied with who we want to become a country exporting. Of course, just making a satellite is not enough. Their capability and capability are also very important for countries. It provides an advantage in this sector. We also hope we will no longer be a country with Turkey also has the ability to launch Space Agency. "

the establishment of new developments in Turkey Space Agency also voicing Arslan brought, drew attention to communications and technology has improved considerably.

Emphasizing that they aim to qualify for the "first league" in the world, Arslan said:

“Depending on the development of the communication and technology and the development of the IT sector, the speed here is used all over the world, in every field, but from now on, the developments in space must be adapted and transferred to the world trade, production and daily life. Hopefully, we will have achieved this ability through the agency of space agency and will be in the first league in space and space related operations in the world. Now we will act in the first league, we are talking about a big market. ”

Stating that their aim is to increase the share in this sector by multiplying, Arslan said, “We will ensure that our country is among the decision makers in this sector by creating added value for our country through this sector. Our goal is that we will enter 38 countries and will not say 'we stayed there'. Within these 38 countries, there are 10-12 countries in the upper league. We have to approach their level in a short time and enter that league. ” said.

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